ff7tk  0.02
Toolkit for making FF7 Tools
FF7Save Class Reference

edit saves from Final Fantasy 7 More...

#include <FF7Save.h>

Inheritance diagram for FF7Save:

Public Types

 Menu items for ff7. More...
 Possible Actions the user can input. More...
  BTN_L2, BTN_R2, BTN_L1, BTN_R1,
 Final Fantasy 7 Buttons for when on PSX. More...
 Used to set the type of block on a PSX memory card (image) when creating the index. More...
enum  KEYITEMS {
 ID's for each keyitem. More...
typedef QVector< QString > SubContainer


void fileChanged (bool)
 emits when internal data changes More...

Public Member Functions

 FF7Save ()
 create a new FF7Save object More...
bool loadFile (const QString &fileName)
 attempt to load fileName as ff7save More...
bool saveFile (const QString &fileName)
 attempt to save fileName as ff7save More...
bool exportFile (const QString &fileName, QString newType="", int s=0)
 attempt to export a file as ff7save. A convenance function to call the proper export function More...
bool exportPC (const QString &fileName)
 attempt to save fileName as a PC ff7save More...
bool exportPSX (int s, const QString &fileName)
 attempt to save fileName as a PSX ff7save More...
bool exportVMC (const QString &fileName)
 attempt to save fileName as a Virtual Memory Card (slots without a region string will not be exported) More...
bool exportDEX (const QString &fileName)
 attempt to save fileName as a DEX Drive format memory card file More...
bool exportVGS (const QString &fileName)
 attempt to save fileName as a Virtual Game Station format memory card file More...
void importSlot (int s=0, QString fileName="", int fileSlot=0)
 import from a file into a slot More...
void clearSlot (int s)
 clear a slot More...
void copySlot (int s)
 copy a slot Sin to the buffer More...
void pasteSlot (int s)
 paste from the buffer into a slot More...
void newGame (int s, QString fileName="")
 creates a new game in a slot More...
void newGamePlus (int s, QString CharFileName, QString fileName="")
 creates a new game + in a slot More...
bool exportCharacter (int s, int char_num, QString fileName)
 export a character More...
void importCharacter (int s, int char_num, QByteArray new_char)
 export a character More...
bool fixMetaData (QString fileName="", QString OutPath="", QString UserID="")
 parse the metadata for 2012 / 2013 release More...
QByteArray fileHeader (void)
 file Header as QByteArray More...
bool setFileHeader (QByteArray data)
 set the file header More...
QByteArray fileFooter (void)
 file Footer as QByteArray More...
bool setFileFooter (QByteArray data)
 set the file footer More...
QByteArray slotHeader (int s)
 Header for a slot as QByteArray. More...
bool setSlotHeader (int s, QByteArray data)
 set the slot header More...
QByteArray slotFooter (int s)
 Footer for a slot as QByteArray. More...
bool setSlotFooter (int s, QByteArray data)
 set the slot footer More...
QByteArray slotPsxRawData (int s)
 QByteArray of a psx save (multiblock saves are ok) More...
bool setSlotPsxRawData (int s, QByteArray data)
 set the slots raw psx data More...
QByteArray slotFF7Data (int s)
 Return Raw data from the slot. More...
bool setSlotFF7Data (int s, QByteArray data)
bool setSlotFF7Data (int s, FF7SLOT data)
QList< QByteArray > slotIcon (int s)
 return slots save icon. each new frame will be appended to the list. More...
QList< qint8 > chocoboPens (int s)
 return the chocobos in the pen outside of the chocobo farm More...
void setChocoboPen (int s, int pen, qint8 value)
 return the chocobos in the pen outside of the chocobo farm More...
quint8 condorWins (int s)
 wins in fort condor mini game More...
void setCondorWins (int s, quint8 wins)
 set how many time you have won the fort condor mini game More...
quint8 condorLosses (int s)
 losses in fort condor mini game More...
void setCondorLosses (int s, quint8 losses)
 set how many time you have lost the fort condor mini game More...
quint16 condorFunds (int s)
void setCondorFunds (int s, quint16 value)
 set how gil you have donated to fort condor More...
quint16 locationId (int s)
 Id of the location save is located on. More...
void setLocationId (int s, quint16 locationID)
 set location id save is located on More...
quint16 mapId (int s)
 map id save is on More...
void setMapId (int s, quint16 mapID)
 set map id save is located on More...
qint16 locationX (int s)
 x coordinate on field map More...
void setLocationX (int s, qint16 x)
 set x coordinate on field map More...
qint16 locationY (int s)
 y coordinate on field map More...
void setLocationY (int s, qint16 y)
 set y coordinate on field map More...
quint16 locationT (int s)
 triangle play is standing on. field map More...
void setLocationT (int s, quint16 t)
 set t coordinate on field map More...
quint8 locationD (int s)
 direction player is facing on field map More...
void setLocationD (int s, quint8 d)
 set direction player is facing on field map More...
quint16 craterSavePointMapID (int s)
 map the placeable save point is on More...
qint16 craterSavePointX (int s)
 x coordinate of the placeable save point More...
qint16 craterSavePointY (int s)
 y coordinate of the placeable save point More...
qint16 craterSavePointZ (int s)
 z coordinate of the placeable save point More...
void setCraterSavePointMapID (int s, int value)
 set the map that the placeable save point is on More...
void setCraterSavePointX (int s, int value)
 set x coordinate of the placeable save point More...
void setCraterSavePointY (int s, int value)
 set y coordinate of the placeable save point More...
void setCraterSavePointZ (int s, int value)
 set z coordinate of the placeable save point More...
QByteArray controllerMapping (int s)
 get controller mapping for a slot More...
void setControllerMapping (int s, QByteArray map)
 set the controller mapping for a slot More...
quint8 controllerMapping (int s, int action)
 get button bound to an action for a slot More...
void setControllerMapping (int s, int action, int button)
 bind a button to an action for a slot. More...
quint16 options (int s)
 In game options for a slot. More...
void setOptions (int s, int opt)
 Set in game options for a slot. More...
bool soundMode (int s)
 soundMode mono or stero More...
void setSoundMode (int s, int mode)
 setSound mode for a slot More...
void setSoundMode (int s, bool mode)
bool controlMode (int s)
void setControlMode (int s, int mode)
void setControlMode (int s, bool mode)
bool cursorMode (int s)
void setCursorMode (int s, int mode)
void setCursorMode (int s, bool mode)
int atbMode (int s)
void setAtbMode (int s, int mode)
bool cameraMode (int s)
void setCameraMode (int s, int mode)
void setCameraMode (int s, bool mode)
int magicOrder (int s)
void setMagicOrder (int s, int order)
bool battleHelp (int s)
void setBattleHelp (int s, bool shown)
int battleSpeed (int s)
void setBattleSpeed (int s, int speed)
int battleMessageSpeed (int s)
void setBattleMessageSpeed (int s, int speed)
int messageSpeed (int s)
void setMessageSpeed (int s, int speed)
bool fieldHelp (int s)
void setFieldHelp (int s, bool shown)
bool battleTargets (int s)
void setBattleTargets (int s, bool shown)
bool phsVisible (int s, int who)
void setPhsVisible (int s, int who, bool checked)
quint16 phsVisible (int s)
void setPhsVisible (int s, quint16 phs_visible)
bool phsAllowed (int s, int who)
quint16 phsAllowed (int s)
void setPhsAllowed (int s, int who, bool checked)
void setPhsAllowed (int s, quint16 phs_visible)
bool menuVisible (int s, int index)
void setMenuVisible (int s, int index, bool checked)
quint16 menuVisible (int s)
void setMenuVisible (int s, quint16 menu_visible)
bool menuLocked (int s, int index)
void setMenuLocked (int s, int index, bool checked)
quint16 menuLocked (int s)
void setMenuLocked (int s, quint16 menu_visible)
quint16 item (int s, int item_num)
QList< quint16 > items (int s)
quint16 itemId (int s, int item_num)
quint16 itemId (quint16 rawitem)
quint8 itemQty (int s, int item_num)
quint8 itemQty (quint16 rawitem)
void setItems (int s, QList< quint16 > items)
void setItem (int s, int item_num, quint16 rawitem)
void setItem (int s, int item_num, quint16 new_id, quint8 new_qty)
bool materiaCave (int s, MATERIACAVE cave)
void setMateriaCave (int s, MATERIACAVE cave, bool isEmpty)
quint8 partyMateriaId (int s, int mat_num)
qint32 partyMateriaAp (int s, int mat_num)
quint8 stolenMateriaId (int s, int mat_num)
qint32 stolenMateriaAp (int s, int mat_num)
void setPartyMateria (int s, int mat_num, quint8 id, qint32 ap)
void setStolenMateria (int s, int mat_num, quint8 id, qint32 ap)
quint32 descTime (int s)
void setDescTime (int s, quint32 new_time)
QString descName (int s)
void setDescName (int s, QString new_name)
QString descLocation (int s)
void setDescLocation (int s, QString new_desc_location)
quint8 descLevel (int s)
void setDescLevel (int s, int new_level)
quint8 descParty (int s, int char_num)
void setDescParty (int s, int char_num, quint8 new_id)
quint16 descCurHP (int s)
void setDescCurHP (int s, quint16 new_curHP)
quint16 descMaxHP (int s)
void setDescMaxHP (int s, quint16 new_maxHP)
quint16 descCurMP (int s)
void setDescCurMP (int s, quint16 new_curMP)
quint16 descMaxMP (int s)
void setDescMaxMP (int s, quint16 new_maxMP)
quint32 descGil (int s)
void setDescGil (int s, quint32 new_gil)
QColor dialogColorUL (int s)
QColor dialogColorUR (int s)
QColor dialogColorLL (int s)
QColor dialogColorLR (int s)
void setDialogColorUL (int s, QColor color)
void setDialogColorUR (int s, QColor color)
void setDialogColorLL (int s, QColor color)
void setDialogColorLR (int s, QColor color)
QString chocoName (int s, int choco_num)
void setChocoName (int s, int choco_num, QString new_name)
QString location (int s)
void setLocation (int s, QString new_location)
quint32 gil (int s)
void setGil (int s, int gil)
quint16 gp (int s)
void setGp (int s, int gp)
quint16 battles (int s)
void setBattles (int s, int battles)
quint16 runs (int s)
void setRuns (int s, int runs)
quint8 party (int s, int pos)
void setParty (int s, int pos, int new_id)
qint8 chocoboPen (int s, int pos)
void setChocoboPen (int s, int pos, int type)
bool seenPandorasBox (int s)
void setSeenPandorasBox (int s, bool seen)
quint8 love (int s, bool battle, LOVER who)
void setLove (int s, bool battle, LOVER who, quint8 love)
quint16 speedScore (int s, int rank)
void setSpeedScore (int s, int rank, quint16 score)
quint16 bikeHighScore (int s)
void setBikeHighScore (int s, quint16 score)
QString snowboardTime (int s, int course)
void setSnowboardTime (int s, int course, QString time)
quint8 snowboardScore (int s, int course)
void setSnowboardScore (int s, int course, quint8 score)
quint32 countdownTimer (int s)
void setCountdownTimer (int s, quint32 time)
FF7CHAR character (int s, int char_num)
QByteArray rawCharacterData (int s, int char_num)
quint8 charID (int s, int char_num)
quint8 charLevel (int s, int char_num)
quint8 charStr (int s, int char_num)
quint8 charVit (int s, int char_num)
quint8 charMag (int s, int char_num)
quint8 charSpi (int s, int char_num)
quint8 charDex (int s, int char_num)
quint8 charLck (int s, int char_num)
quint8 charStrBonus (int s, int char_num)
quint8 charVitBonus (int s, int char_num)
quint8 charMagBonus (int s, int char_num)
quint8 charSpiBonus (int s, int char_num)
quint8 charDexBonus (int s, int char_num)
quint8 charLckBonus (int s, int char_num)
qint8 charLimitLevel (int s, int char_num)
quint8 charLimitBar (int s, int char_num)
QString charName (int s, int char_num)
quint8 charWeapon (int s, int char_num)
quint8 charArmor (int s, int char_num)
quint8 charAccessory (int s, int char_num)
quint8 charFlag (int s, int char_num, int flag_num)
quint16 charLimits (int s, int char_num)
quint16 charKills (int s, int char_num)
quint16 charTimesLimitUsed (int s, int char_num, int level)
quint16 charCurrentHp (int s, int char_num)
quint16 charBaseHp (int s, int char_num)
quint16 charCurrentMp (int s, int char_num)
quint16 charBaseMp (int s, int char_num)
quint8 charUnknown (int s, int char_num, int unknown_num)
quint16 charMaxHp (int s, int char_num)
quint16 charMaxMp (int s, int char_num)
quint32 charCurrentExp (int s, int char_num)
quint32 charNextExp (int s, int char_num)
quint8 charMateriaId (int s, int who, int mat_num)
qint32 charMateriaAp (int s, int who, int mat_num)
void setCharacter (int s, int char_num, FF7CHAR new_char)
void setCharID (int s, int char_num, qint8 new_id)
void setCharLevel (int s, int char_num, qint8 new_level)
void setCharStr (int s, int char_num, quint8 str)
void setCharVit (int s, int char_num, quint8 vit)
void setCharMag (int s, int char_num, quint8 mag)
void setCharSpi (int s, int char_num, quint8 spi)
void setCharDex (int s, int char_num, quint8 dex)
void setCharLck (int s, int char_num, quint8 lck)
void setCharStrBonus (int s, int char_num, quint8 strbonus)
void setCharVitBonus (int s, int char_num, quint8 vitbonus)
void setCharMagBonus (int s, int char_num, quint8 magbonus)
void setCharSpiBonus (int s, int char_num, quint8 spibonus)
void setCharDexBonus (int s, int char_num, quint8 dexbonus)
void setCharLckBonus (int s, int char_num, quint8 lckbonus)
void setCharLimitLevel (int s, int char_num, qint8 limitlevel)
void setCharLimitBar (int s, int char_num, quint8 limitbar)
void setCharName (int s, int char_num, QString new_name)
void setCharWeapon (int s, int char_num, quint8 weapon)
void setCharArmor (int s, int char_num, quint8 armor)
void setCharAccessory (int s, int char_num, quint8 accessory)
void setCharFlag (int s, int char_num, int flag_num, quint8 flag_value)
void setCharLimits (int s, int char_num, quint16 new_limits)
void setCharKills (int s, int char_num, quint16 kills)
void setCharTimeLimitUsed (int s, int char_num, int level, quint16 timesused)
void setCharCurrentHp (int s, int char_num, quint16 curHp)
void setCharBaseHp (int s, int char_num, quint16 baseHp)
void setCharCurrentMp (int s, int char_num, quint16 curMp)
void setCharBaseMp (int s, int char_num, quint16 baseMp)
void setCharUnknown (int s, int char_num, int unknown_num, quint8 value)
void setCharMaxHp (int s, int char_num, quint16 maxHp)
void setCharMaxMp (int s, int char_num, quint16 maxMp)
void setCharCurrentExp (int s, int char_num, quint32 exp)
void setCharNextExp (int s, int char_num, quint32 next)
void setCharMateria (int s, int who, int mat_num, quint8 id, qint32 ap)
void setCharMateria (int s, int who, int mat_num, materia mat)
QList< FF7CHOCOBOchocobos (int s)
QList< quint16 > chocobosStaminas (int s)
QList< QString > chocobosNames (int s)
QList< bool > chocoboCantMates (int s)
qint8 stablesOwned (int s)
qint8 stablesOccupied (int s)
qint8 stableMask (int s)
void setStablesOwned (int s, qint8 value)
void setStablesOccupied (int s, qint8 value)
void setStableMask (int s, qint8 value)
FF7CHOCOBO chocobo (int s, int chocoSlot)
quint16 chocoStamina (int s, int chocoSlot)
quint16 chocoSpeed (int s, int chocoSlot)
quint16 chocoMaxSpeed (int s, int chocoSlot)
quint16 chocoSprintSpeed (int s, int chocoSlot)
quint16 chocoMaxSprintSpeed (int s, int chocoSlot)
quint8 chocoSex (int s, int chocoSlot)
quint8 chocoType (int s, int chocoSlot)
quint8 chocoCoop (int s, int chocoSlot)
quint8 chocoAccel (int s, int chocoSlot)
quint8 chocoIntelligence (int s, int chocoSlot)
quint8 chocoRaceswon (int s, int chocoSlot)
quint8 chocoPCount (int s, int chocoSlot)
quint8 chocoPersonality (int s, int chocoSlot)
bool chocoCantMate (int s, int chocoSlot)
void setChocoStamina (int s, int chocoSlot, quint16 stamina)
void setChocoSpeed (int s, int chocoSlot, quint16 speed)
void setChocoMaxSpeed (int s, int chocoSlot, quint16 maxspeed)
void setChocoSprintSpeed (int s, int chocoSlot, quint16 sprintSpeed)
void setChocoMaxSprintSpeed (int s, int chocoSlot, quint16 maxsprintSpeed)
void setChocoSex (int s, int chocoSlot, quint8 value)
void setChocoType (int s, int chocoSlot, quint8 value)
void setChocoCoop (int s, int chocoSlot, quint8 value)
void setChocoAccel (int s, int chocoSlot, quint8 value)
void setChocoIntelligence (int s, int chocoSlot, quint8 value)
void setChocoRaceswon (int s, int chocoSlot, quint8 value)
void setChocoPCount (int s, int chocoSlot, quint8 value)
void setChocoPersonality (int s, int chocoSlot, quint8 value)
void setChocoCantMate (int s, int chocoSlot, bool cantMate)
int lenFile (void)
int lenFileHeader (void)
int lenFileFooter (void)
int lenCoreSave (void)
int lenSlotHeader (void)
int lenSlotFooter (void)
int lenSlot (void)
int numberOfSlots (void)
QString fileName (void)
QString type (void)
void setFileModified (bool, int s)
void setRegion (int s, QString region)
bool isFileModified (void)
bool isSlotModified (int s)
bool isSlotEmpty (int s)
bool isFF7 (int s)
bool isPAL (int s)
bool isNTSC (int s)
bool isJPN (int s)
QString region (int s)
void setType (QString)
quint8 psx_block_type (int s)
void setPsx_block_type (int s, FF7Save::PSXBLOCKTYPE block_type)
quint8 psx_block_next (int s)
void setPsx_block_next (int s, int next)
quint8 psx_block_size (int s)
void setPsx_block_size (int s, int blockSize)
void fix_pc_bytemask (int s)
QByteArray unknown (int s, int z)
bool setUnknown (int s, int z, QByteArray data)
quint16 steps (int s)
void setSteps (int s, int steps)
quint8 churchProgress (int s)
void setChurchProgress (int s, int progress)
quint8 donProgress (int s)
void setDonProgress (int s, int progress)
quint16 battlePoints (int s)
void setBattlePoints (int s, quint16)
quint32 time (int s)
void setTime (int s, quint32 new_time)
void setDisc (int s, int disc)
quint8 disc (int s)
quint16 mainProgress (int s)
void setMainProgress (int s, int mProgress)
QByteArray keyItems (int s)
bool setKeyItems (int s, QByteArray data)
bool keyItem (int s, int keyItem)
void setKeyItem (int s, int keyItem, bool pickedUp)
bool itemMask1 (int s, int bit)
void setItemMask1 (int s, int bit, bool pickedUp)
bool bmProgress1 (int s, int bit)
void setBmProgress1 (int s, int bit, bool isTrue)
void setBmProgress1 (int s, int value)
bool bmProgress2 (int s, int bit)
void setBmProgress2 (int s, int bit, bool isTrue)
void setBmProgress2 (int s, int value)
bool bmProgress3 (int s, int bit)
void setBmProgress3 (int s, int bit, bool isTrue)
void setBmProgress3 (int s, int value)
bool midgarTrainFlags (int s, int bit)
void setMidgarTrainFlags (int s, int bit, bool isTrue)
void setMidgarTrainFlags (int s, int value)
bool turtleParadiseFlyerSeen (int s, int flyer)
quint8 turtleParadiseFlyersSeen (int s)
void setTurtleParadiseFlyerSeen (int s, int flyer, bool seen)
void setTurtleParadiseFlyersSeen (int s, quint8 flyersSeen)
bool startBombingMission (int s)
void setStartBombingMission (int s, bool isTrue)
quint32 uWeaponHp (int s)
void setUWeaponHp (int s, int hp)
bool killedEmeraldWeapon (int s)
void setKilledEmeraldWeapon (int s, bool isTrue)
bool killedRubyWeapon (int s)
void setKilledRubyWeapon (int s, bool isTrue)
quint8 tutSave (int s)
void setTutSave (int s, int value)
bool canFightNinjaInForest (int s)
void setCanFightNinjaInForest (int s, bool isTrue)
quint8 tutSub (int s)
bool tutSub (int s, int bit)
void setTutSub (int s, int bit, bool isTrue)
void setTutSub (int s, int value)
bool yuffieUnlocked (int s)
 has yuffie been unlocked More...
void setYuffieUnlocked (int s, bool isUnlocked)
 set if yuffie has been unlocked More...
bool vincentUnlocked (int s)
 has vincent been unlocked More...
void setVincentUnlocked (int s, bool isUnlocked)
 set if vincent has been unlocked More...
bool worldChocobo (int s, int bit)
void setWorldChocobo (int s, int bit, bool isTrue)
bool worldVehicle (int s, int bit)
void setWorldVehicle (int s, int bit, bool isTrue)
quint32 worldCoordsLeader (int s, bool firstChunk)
int worldCoordsLeaderX (int s)
int worldCoordsLeaderID (int s)
int worldCoordsLeaderAngle (int s)
int worldCoordsLeaderY (int s)
int worldCoordsLeaderZ (int s)
void setWorldCoordsLeader (int s, bool firstChunk, int value)
void setWorldCoordsLeaderX (int s, int value)
void setWorldCoordsLeaderID (int s, int value)
void setWorldCoordsLeaderAngle (int s, int value)
void setWorldCoordsLeaderY (int s, int value)
void setWorldCoordsLeaderZ (int s, int value)
quint32 worldCoordsTc (int s, bool firstChunk)
int worldCoordsTcX (int s)
int worldCoordsTcID (int s)
int worldCoordsTcAngle (int s)
int worldCoordsTcY (int s)
int worldCoordsTcZ (int s)
void setWorldCoordsTc (int s, bool firstChunk, int value)
void setWorldCoordsTcX (int s, int value)
void setWorldCoordsTcID (int s, int value)
void setWorldCoordsTcAngle (int s, int value)
void setWorldCoordsTcY (int s, int value)
void setWorldCoordsTcZ (int s, int value)
quint32 worldCoordsBh (int s, bool firstChunk)
int worldCoordsBhX (int s)
int worldCoordsBhID (int s)
int worldCoordsBhAngle (int s)
int worldCoordsBhY (int s)
int worldCoordsBhZ (int s)
void setWorldCoordsBh (int s, bool firstChunk, int value)
void setWorldCoordsBhX (int s, int value)
void setWorldCoordsBhID (int s, int value)
void setWorldCoordsBhAngle (int s, int value)
void setWorldCoordsBhY (int s, int value)
void setWorldCoordsBhZ (int s, int value)
quint32 worldCoordsSub (int s, bool firstChunk)
int worldCoordsSubX (int s)
int worldCoordsSubID (int s)
int worldCoordsSubAngle (int s)
int worldCoordsSubY (int s)
int worldCoordsSubZ (int s)
void setWorldCoordsSub (int s, bool firstChunk, int value)
void setWorldCoordsSubX (int s, int value)
void setWorldCoordsSubID (int s, int value)
void setWorldCoordsSubAngle (int s, int value)
void setWorldCoordsSubY (int s, int value)
void setWorldCoordsSubZ (int s, int value)
quint32 worldCoordsWchoco (int s, bool firstChunk)
int worldCoordsWchocoX (int s)
int worldCoordsWchocoID (int s)
int worldCoordsWchocoAngle (int s)
int worldCoordsWchocoY (int s)
int worldCoordsWchocoZ (int s)
void setWorldCoordsWchoco (int s, bool firstChunk, int value)
void setWorldCoordsWchocoX (int s, int value)
void setWorldCoordsWchocoID (int s, int value)
void setWorldCoordsWchocoAngle (int s, int value)
void setWorldCoordsWchocoY (int s, int value)
void setWorldCoordsWchocoZ (int s, int value)
quint32 worldCoordsDurw (int s, bool firstChunk)
int worldCoordsDurwX (int s)
int worldCoordsDurwID (int s)
int worldCoordsDurwAngle (int s)
int worldCoordsDurwY (int s)
int worldCoordsDurwZ (int s)
void setWorldCoordsDurw (int s, bool firstChunk, int value)
void setWorldCoordsDurwX (int s, int value)
void setWorldCoordsDurwID (int s, int value)
void setWorldCoordsDurwAngle (int s, int value)
void setWorldCoordsDurwY (int s, int value)
void setWorldCoordsDurwZ (int s, int value)
void setSaveNumber (int s, int saveNum)
bool subMiniGameVictory (int s)
void setSubMiniGameVictory (int s, bool won)
quint8 chocoboRating (int s, int stable)
 Get Choco Billy's Rating of a chocobo. More...
void setChocoboRating (int s, int stable, int rating)
 Set Choco Billy's Rating of a chocobo. More...
QList< quint8 > chocoboRatings (int s)
QString psxDesc (int s)
 Get Description Text for PSX Slot. More...
void setPsxDesc (QString newDesc, int s)
 Set The Description Text for PSX Slot (text shows in memory card manager of playstation) More...
void setPs3Key (QByteArray key)
void setPs3Seed (QByteArray seed)
QByteArray ps3Key (void)
QByteArray ps3Seed (void)

Private Member Functions

QString md5sum (QString fileName, QString UserID)
QString fileblock (QString fileName)
QString filetimestamp (QString fileName)
void checksumSlots ()
quint16 ff7Checksum (int s)
void fix_psv_header (int s)
void fix_psx_header (int s)
void fix_vmc_header (void)
quint16 itemDecode (quint16 itemraw)
quint16 itemEncode (quint16 id, quint8 qty)
void vmcRegionEval (int s)
QVector< SubContainerparseXML (QString fileName, QString metadataPath, QString UserID)
QVector< SubContainercreateMetadata (QString fileName, QString UserID)

Private Attributes

FF7SLOT slot [15]
quint8 * file_headerp
quint8 * file_footerp
quint8 file_header_pc [0x0009]
quint8 file_header_psv [0x0084]
quint8 file_header_psp [0x2080]
quint8 file_header_vgs [0x2040]
quint8 file_header_dex [0x2F40]
quint8 file_header_mc [0x2000]
FF7SLOT buffer_slot
QString buffer_region
QString SG_Region_String [15]
QString filename
bool fileHasChanged
bool slotChanged [15]
QByteArray PS3Key
QByteArray PS3Seed

Detailed Description

edit saves from Final Fantasy 7


add support for signing psv files.

add support for signing vmp files.

FF7Save does it all for you open the file , edit then save. All of the file handling will be taken care of for you. the following are supported formats:

Flie Description
*.ff7 PC Format Save if with a metadata.xml file will attempt to sign it
*.mcr Common Emulator format (Virtual Memory Card)
*.mcd Common Emulator format (Virtual Memory Card)
*.mci Common Emulator format (Virtual Memory Card)
*.mc Common Emulator format (Virtual Memory Card)
*.ddf Common Emulator format (Virtual Memory Card)
*.ps Common Emulator format (Virtual Memory Card)
*.psm Common Emulator format (Virtual Memory Card)
*.bin Common Emulator format (Virtual Memory Card)
*.vgs Memory Card from Virtual Game Station
*.mem Memory Card from Virtual Game Station
*.gme Dex drive format virtual memory card
*.VM1 Internal PSX Memory Card on PS3 (Virtual Memory Card)
*.vmp VMC format used by the PSP/PsVita. Can not sign this type yet;reimport to console will fail
*.psv Saves "Exported" by a PS3. can not sign this type yet;reimport to console will fail
*FF7-S*A Raw PSX memory card "file" extracted from a real or virtual memory card

Definition at line 58 of file FF7Save.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef QVector< QString > FF7Save::SubContainer

Definition at line 223 of file FF7Save.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation





Definition at line 69 of file FF7Save.h.





Definition at line 70 of file FF7Save.h.

Possible Actions the user can input.

































Definition at line 79 of file FF7Save.h.





Definition at line 67 of file FF7Save.h.





Definition at line 68 of file FF7Save.h.

ID's for each keyitem.







































































































Definition at line 104 of file FF7Save.h.









Definition at line 64 of file FF7Save.h.













Definition at line 71 of file FF7Save.h.









Definition at line 65 of file FF7Save.h.

Menu items for ff7.





















Definition at line 75 of file FF7Save.h.

Used to set the type of block on a PSX memory card (image) when creating the index.















Definition at line 100 of file FF7Save.h.

Final Fantasy 7 Buttons for when on PSX.

































Definition at line 90 of file FF7Save.h.





Definition at line 66 of file FF7Save.h.













Definition at line 63 of file FF7Save.h.







Definition at line 62 of file FF7Save.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

FF7Save::FF7Save ( )

Member Function Documentation

int FF7Save::atbMode ( int  s)

Definition at line 3028 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References options(), and slot.

Referenced by setAtbMode().

bool FF7Save::battleHelp ( int  s)

Definition at line 3098 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References options(), and slot.

Referenced by setBattleHelp().

int FF7Save::battleMessageSpeed ( int  s)

Definition at line 3132 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

quint16 FF7Save::battlePoints ( int  s)

Definition at line 2336 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

quint16 FF7Save::battles ( int  s)

Definition at line 2248 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

Referenced by setBattles().

int FF7Save::battleSpeed ( int  s)

Definition at line 3110 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

bool FF7Save::battleTargets ( int  s)

Definition at line 3152 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

Referenced by setBattleTargets().

quint16 FF7Save::bikeHighScore ( int  s)

Definition at line 2334 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

bool FF7Save::bmProgress1 ( int  s,
int  bit 

Definition at line 2587 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

bool FF7Save::bmProgress2 ( int  s,
int  bit 

Definition at line 2617 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

bool FF7Save::bmProgress3 ( int  s,
int  bit 

Definition at line 2647 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

bool FF7Save::cameraMode ( int  s)

Definition at line 3049 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References options(), and slot.

Referenced by setCameraMode().

bool FF7Save::canFightNinjaInForest ( int  s)

Definition at line 3744 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

Referenced by setCanFightNinjaInForest().

quint8 FF7Save::charAccessory ( int  s,
int  char_num 

Definition at line 1956 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

FF7CHAR FF7Save::character ( int  s,
int  char_num 

Definition at line 1930 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

quint8 FF7Save::charArmor ( int  s,
int  char_num 

Definition at line 1955 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

quint16 FF7Save::charBaseHp ( int  s,
int  char_num 

Definition at line 1973 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

quint16 FF7Save::charBaseMp ( int  s,
int  char_num 

Definition at line 1975 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

quint32 FF7Save::charCurrentExp ( int  s,
int  char_num 

Definition at line 1979 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

quint16 FF7Save::charCurrentHp ( int  s,
int  char_num 

Definition at line 1972 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

quint16 FF7Save::charCurrentMp ( int  s,
int  char_num 

Definition at line 1974 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

quint8 FF7Save::charDex ( int  s,
int  char_num 

Definition at line 1944 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

quint8 FF7Save::charDexBonus ( int  s,
int  char_num 

Definition at line 1950 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

quint8 FF7Save::charFlag ( int  s,
int  char_num,
int  flag_num 

Definition at line 1957 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

quint8 FF7Save::charID ( int  s,
int  char_num 

Definition at line 1938 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

quint16 FF7Save::charKills ( int  s,
int  char_num 

Definition at line 1959 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

quint8 FF7Save::charLck ( int  s,
int  char_num 

Definition at line 1945 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

quint8 FF7Save::charLckBonus ( int  s,
int  char_num 

Definition at line 1951 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

quint8 FF7Save::charLevel ( int  s,
int  char_num 

Definition at line 1939 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

quint8 FF7Save::charLimitBar ( int  s,
int  char_num 

Definition at line 1953 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

qint8 FF7Save::charLimitLevel ( int  s,
int  char_num 

Definition at line 1952 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

quint16 FF7Save::charLimits ( int  s,
int  char_num 

Definition at line 1958 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

quint8 FF7Save::charMag ( int  s,
int  char_num 

Definition at line 1942 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

quint8 FF7Save::charMagBonus ( int  s,
int  char_num 

Definition at line 1948 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

qint32 FF7Save::charMateriaAp ( int  s,
int  who,
int  mat_num 

Definition at line 2046 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

quint8 FF7Save::charMateriaId ( int  s,
int  who,
int  mat_num 

Definition at line 2045 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

quint16 FF7Save::charMaxHp ( int  s,
int  char_num 

Definition at line 1977 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

quint16 FF7Save::charMaxMp ( int  s,
int  char_num 

Definition at line 1978 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

QString FF7Save::charName ( int  s,
int  char_num 

Definition at line 1602 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References FF7TEXT::init(), isJPN(), slot, Text, and FF7TEXT::toPC().

quint32 FF7Save::charNextExp ( int  s,
int  char_num 

Definition at line 1980 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

quint8 FF7Save::charSpi ( int  s,
int  char_num 

Definition at line 1943 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

quint8 FF7Save::charSpiBonus ( int  s,
int  char_num 

Definition at line 1949 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

quint8 FF7Save::charStr ( int  s,
int  char_num 

Definition at line 1940 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

quint8 FF7Save::charStrBonus ( int  s,
int  char_num 

Definition at line 1946 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

quint16 FF7Save::charTimesLimitUsed ( int  s,
int  char_num,
int  level 

Definition at line 1961 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

quint8 FF7Save::charUnknown ( int  s,
int  char_num,
int  unknown_num 

Definition at line 1976 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

quint8 FF7Save::charVit ( int  s,
int  char_num 

Definition at line 1941 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

quint8 FF7Save::charVitBonus ( int  s,
int  char_num 

Definition at line 1947 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

quint8 FF7Save::charWeapon ( int  s,
int  char_num 

Definition at line 1954 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

void FF7Save::checksumSlots ( )

Definition at line 626 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References ff7Checksum(), isFF7(), SG_SLOT_NUMBER, and slot.

Referenced by exportPSX(), and saveFile().

quint8 FF7Save::chocoAccel ( int  s,
int  chocoSlot 

Definition at line 2116 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

FF7CHOCOBO FF7Save::chocobo ( int  s,
int  chocoSlot 

Definition at line 2051 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

Referenced by chocobos().

QList< bool > FF7Save::chocoboCantMates ( int  s)

Definition at line 3483 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References chocoCantMate().

qint8 FF7Save::chocoboPen ( int  s,
int  pos 

Definition at line 3531 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

QList< qint8 > FF7Save::chocoboPens ( int  s)

return the chocobos in the pen outside of the chocobo farm

sslot number (0-14)
list of chocobo in then pen.

Definition at line 3525 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

quint8 FF7Save::chocoboRating ( int  s,
int  stable 

Get Choco Billy's Rating of a chocobo.

This is the rating that Choco Billy give to a chocobo it follows the same format as FF7Save::chocoboPen()

sslot number (0-14)
stablestable number (0-5)

Definition at line 4713 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

QList< quint8 > FF7Save::chocoboRatings ( int  s)

Definition at line 4731 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

QList< FF7CHOCOBO > FF7Save::chocobos ( int  s)

Definition at line 3463 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References chocobo().

QList< QString > FF7Save::chocobosNames ( int  s)

Definition at line 3477 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References chocoName().

QList< quint16 > FF7Save::chocobosStaminas ( int  s)

Definition at line 3470 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References chocoStamina().

bool FF7Save::chocoCantMate ( int  s,
int  chocoSlot 

Definition at line 2151 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

Referenced by chocoboCantMates().

quint8 FF7Save::chocoCoop ( int  s,
int  chocoSlot 

Definition at line 2109 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

quint8 FF7Save::chocoIntelligence ( int  s,
int  chocoSlot 

Definition at line 2123 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

quint16 FF7Save::chocoMaxSpeed ( int  s,
int  chocoSlot 

Definition at line 2074 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

quint16 FF7Save::chocoMaxSprintSpeed ( int  s,
int  chocoSlot 

Definition at line 2088 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

QString FF7Save::chocoName ( int  s,
int  choco_num 

Definition at line 1823 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References FF7TEXT::init(), isJPN(), slot, Text, and FF7TEXT::toPC().

Referenced by chocobosNames().

quint8 FF7Save::chocoPCount ( int  s,
int  chocoSlot 

Definition at line 2137 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

quint8 FF7Save::chocoPersonality ( int  s,
int  chocoSlot 

Definition at line 2144 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

quint8 FF7Save::chocoRaceswon ( int  s,
int  chocoSlot 

Definition at line 2130 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

quint8 FF7Save::chocoSex ( int  s,
int  chocoSlot 

Definition at line 2095 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

quint16 FF7Save::chocoSpeed ( int  s,
int  chocoSlot 

Definition at line 2067 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

quint16 FF7Save::chocoSprintSpeed ( int  s,
int  chocoSlot 

Definition at line 2081 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

quint16 FF7Save::chocoStamina ( int  s,
int  chocoSlot 

Definition at line 2066 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

Referenced by chocobosStaminas().

quint8 FF7Save::chocoType ( int  s,
int  chocoSlot 

Definition at line 2102 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

quint8 FF7Save::churchProgress ( int  s)

Definition at line 3591 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

void FF7Save::clearSlot ( int  s)

clear a slot

sslot number (0-14)

Definition at line 591 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References file_headerp, hf, isSlotEmpty(), setFileModified(), SG_Region_String, SG_SLOT_FOOTER, SG_SLOT_HEADER, SG_TYPE, and slot.

Referenced by exportPC(), loadFile(), SlotSelect::paste_slot(), and SlotSelect::remove_slot().

quint16 FF7Save::condorFunds ( int  s)
amount of gil you have donated to fort condor
sslot number (0-14)

Definition at line 3425 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

Referenced by setCondorFunds().

quint8 FF7Save::condorLosses ( int  s)

losses in fort condor mini game

sslot number (0-14)
number of losses at fort condor

Definition at line 3452 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

Referenced by setCondorLosses().

quint8 FF7Save::condorWins ( int  s)

wins in fort condor mini game

sslot number (0-14)
number of wins at fort condor

Definition at line 3442 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

Referenced by setCondorWins().

QByteArray FF7Save::controllerMapping ( int  s)

get controller mapping for a slot

The controller mapping while stored in the pc save is not used? and shouln't be edited

sslot number (0-14)
Mapping as raw bytes

Definition at line 3172 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

Referenced by setControllerMapping().

quint8 FF7Save::controllerMapping ( int  s,
int  action 

get button bound to an action for a slot

The controller mapping while stored in the pc save is not used? and shouln't be edited

sslot number (0-14)
actiongame action ( FF7Save::CONTROLACTION )
FF7Save::PSXBUTTON that an action is mapped to

Definition at line 3178 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

bool FF7Save::controlMode ( int  s)

Definition at line 2980 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References options(), and slot.

Referenced by setControlMode().

void FF7Save::copySlot ( int  s)

copy a slot Sin to the buffer

sslot number (0-14)

Definition at line 1149 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References buffer_region, buffer_slot, SG_Region_String, and slot.

Referenced by SlotSelect::copy_slot().

quint32 FF7Save::countdownTimer ( int  s)

Definition at line 3542 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

quint16 FF7Save::craterSavePointMapID ( int  s)

map the placeable save point is on

sslot number (0-14)
mapID of map containing the save point

Definition at line 4524 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

qint16 FF7Save::craterSavePointX ( int  s)

x coordinate of the placeable save point

sslot number (0-14)
x coordinate of the placeable save point

Definition at line 4542 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

qint16 FF7Save::craterSavePointY ( int  s)

y coordinate of the placeable save point

sslot number (0-14)
y coordinate of the placeable save point

Definition at line 4561 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

qint16 FF7Save::craterSavePointZ ( int  s)

z coordinate of the placeable save point

sslot number (0-14)
z coordinate of the placeable save point

Definition at line 4579 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

QVector< SubContainer > FF7Save::createMetadata ( QString  fileName,
QString  UserID 

Definition at line 2421 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References fileblock(), filetimestamp(), isSlotModified(), md5sum(), and region().

Referenced by fixMetaData().

bool FF7Save::cursorMode ( int  s)

Definition at line 3004 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References options(), and slot.

Referenced by setCursorMode().

quint16 FF7Save::descCurHP ( int  s)

Definition at line 1663 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

quint16 FF7Save::descCurMP ( int  s)

Definition at line 1665 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

quint32 FF7Save::descGil ( int  s)

Definition at line 1667 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

Referenced by SlotSelect::setSlotPreview().

quint8 FF7Save::descLevel ( int  s)

Definition at line 1658 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

Referenced by SlotSelect::setSlotPreview().

QString FF7Save::descLocation ( int  s)

Definition at line 1638 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References FF7TEXT::init(), isJPN(), slot, Text, and FF7TEXT::toPC().

Referenced by SlotSelect::setSlotPreview().

quint16 FF7Save::descMaxHP ( int  s)

Definition at line 1664 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

quint16 FF7Save::descMaxMP ( int  s)

Definition at line 1666 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

QString FF7Save::descName ( int  s)

Definition at line 1620 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References FF7TEXT::init(), isJPN(), slot, Text, and FF7TEXT::toPC().

Referenced by SlotSelect::setSlotPreview().

quint8 FF7Save::descParty ( int  s,
int  char_num 

Definition at line 1659 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

Referenced by SlotSelect::setSlotPreview().

quint32 FF7Save::descTime ( int  s)

Definition at line 1677 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

Referenced by SlotSelect::setSlotPreview().

QColor FF7Save::dialogColorLL ( int  s)

Definition at line 1897 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

Referenced by SlotSelect::setSlotPreview().

QColor FF7Save::dialogColorLR ( int  s)

Definition at line 1898 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

Referenced by SlotSelect::setSlotPreview().

QColor FF7Save::dialogColorUL ( int  s)

Definition at line 1895 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

Referenced by SlotSelect::setSlotPreview().

QColor FF7Save::dialogColorUR ( int  s)

Definition at line 1896 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

Referenced by SlotSelect::setSlotPreview().

quint8 FF7Save::disc ( int  s)

Definition at line 1552 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

Referenced by setDisc().

quint8 FF7Save::donProgress ( int  s)

Definition at line 3611 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

bool FF7Save::exportCharacter ( int  s,
int  char_num,
QString  fileName 

export a character

sslot number (0-14)
char_numcharacter slot (0-8)
fileNamefile to write
true is successful

Definition at line 616 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References rawCharacterData().

Referenced by newGamePlus().

bool FF7Save::exportDEX ( const QString &  fileName)

attempt to save fileName as a DEX Drive format memory card file

fileNamefile that will be saved
True if Successful

Definition at line 439 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References CONTROL_NORMAL, file_header_dex, file_header_mc, file_header_psp, file_header_vgs, file_headerp, filename, fix_vmc_header(), isFF7(), saveFile(), setControlMode(), setType(), and SG_TYPE.

Referenced by exportFile().

bool FF7Save::exportFile ( const QString &  fileName,
QString  newType = "",
int  s = 0 

attempt to export a file as ff7save. A convenance function to call the proper export function

fileNamefile that will be saved
newTypeType of file to be saved "PC","PSX","MC","VGS","DEX" are valid
sSlot to export if exporting to a multi slot save type
True if Successful
See also

Definition at line 269 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References exportDEX(), exportPC(), exportPSX(), exportVGS(), and exportVMC().

bool FF7Save::exportPC ( const QString &  fileName)

attempt to save fileName as a PC ff7save

fileNamefile that will be saved
True if Successful

Definition at line 285 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References clearSlot(), CONTROL_NORMAL, file_header_pc, filename, fix_pc_bytemask(), isFF7(), isNTSC(), isPAL(), PC_SAVE_GAME_FILE_HEADER, saveFile(), setControlMode(), setFileModified(), setType(), SG_TYPE, and slot.

Referenced by exportFile(), and MetadataCreator::on_buttonBox_accepted().

bool FF7Save::exportVGS ( const QString &  fileName)

attempt to save fileName as a Virtual Game Station format memory card file

fileNamefile that will be saved
True if Successful

Definition at line 403 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References CONTROL_NORMAL, file_header_dex, file_header_mc, file_header_psp, file_header_vgs, file_headerp, filename, fix_vmc_header(), isFF7(), saveFile(), setControlMode(), setType(), and SG_TYPE.

Referenced by exportFile().

bool FF7Save::exportVMC ( const QString &  fileName)

attempt to save fileName as a Virtual Memory Card (slots without a region string will not be exported)

fileNamefile that will be saved
True if Successful

Definition at line 375 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References CONTROL_NORMAL, file_header_dex, file_header_psp, file_header_vgs, file_headerp, filename, fix_vmc_header(), isFF7(), saveFile(), setControlMode(), setType(), and SG_TYPE.

Referenced by exportFile().

quint16 FF7Save::ff7Checksum ( int  s)

Definition at line 639 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slotFF7Data().

Referenced by checksumSlots(), and isSlotEmpty().

bool FF7Save::fieldHelp ( int  s)

Definition at line 3142 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

Referenced by setFieldHelp().

QString FF7Save::fileblock ( QString  fileName)

Definition at line 2498 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References fileName().

Referenced by createMetadata(), and parseXML().

void FF7Save::fileChanged ( bool  )

emits when internal data changes

Referenced by ps3Seed(), and setFileModified().

QByteArray FF7Save::fileFooter ( void  )

file Footer as QByteArray

Definition at line 161 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References file_footerp, and SG_FOOTER.

Referenced by exportPSX(), and saveFile().

QByteArray FF7Save::fileHeader ( void  )

file Header as QByteArray

Definition at line 128 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References file_headerp, and SG_HEADER.

Referenced by exportPSX(), fix_psv_header(), and saveFile().

QString FF7Save::fileName ( void  )

Definition at line 2496 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References filename.

Referenced by fileblock(), fixMetaData(), loadFile(), psx_block_size(), saveFile(), and slotPsxRawData().

QString FF7Save::filetimestamp ( QString  fileName)

Definition at line 2508 of file FF7Save.cpp.

Referenced by createMetadata(), and parseXML().

void FF7Save::fix_pc_bytemask ( int  s)

Definition at line 805 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References file_headerp, and isFF7().

Referenced by exportPC().

void FF7Save::fix_psv_header ( int  s)

Definition at line 845 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References fileHeader(), fix_psx_header(), ps3Key(), ps3Seed(), setFileHeader(), and slotPsxRawData().

Referenced by saveFile().

void FF7Save::fix_psx_header ( int  s)

Definition at line 832 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References hf, isFF7(), slot, and time().

Referenced by exportPSX(), fix_psv_header(), fix_vmc_header(), and saveFile().

bool FF7Save::fixMetaData ( QString  fileName = "",
QString  OutPath = "",
QString  UserID = "" 

parse the metadata for 2012 / 2013 release

fileNamename of the file to output
OutPathto metadata
UserIDsquaresoft id number to when signing
True is Successful

Definition at line 2442 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References createMetadata(), fileName(), filename, and parseXML().

Referenced by MetadataCreator::on_buttonBox_accepted(), and saveFile().

quint32 FF7Save::gil ( int  s)

Definition at line 2232 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

Referenced by setGil().

quint16 FF7Save::gp ( int  s)

Definition at line 2240 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

Referenced by setGp().

void FF7Save::importCharacter ( int  s,
int  char_num,
QByteArray  new_char 

export a character

sslot number (0-14)
char_numcharacter slot (0-8)
new_charraw bytes for a character in ff7
true is successful

Definition at line 624 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

bool FF7Save::isFileModified ( void  )

Definition at line 1285 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References fileHasChanged.

bool FF7Save::isJPN ( int  s)
bool FF7Save::isNTSC ( int  s)

Definition at line 1310 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References region().

Referenced by exportPC().

bool FF7Save::isPAL ( int  s)

Definition at line 1302 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References region().

Referenced by exportPC().

bool FF7Save::isSlotEmpty ( int  s)

Definition at line 1287 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References ff7Checksum().

Referenced by clearSlot().

bool FF7Save::isSlotModified ( int  s)

Definition at line 1286 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slotChanged.

Referenced by createMetadata(), and parseXML().

quint16 FF7Save::item ( int  s,
int  item_num 

Definition at line 778 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

Referenced by itemDecode(), and itemEncode().

quint16 FF7Save::itemDecode ( quint16  itemraw)

Definition at line 658 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References item().

Referenced by itemId(), and itemQty().

quint16 FF7Save::itemEncode ( quint16  id,
quint8  qty 

Definition at line 702 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References item().

Referenced by setItem(), and setItems().

quint16 FF7Save::itemId ( int  s,
int  item_num 

Definition at line 801 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References itemDecode(), items(), and slot.

Referenced by setItem(), and setItems().

quint16 FF7Save::itemId ( quint16  rawitem)

Definition at line 800 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References itemDecode().

bool FF7Save::itemMask1 ( int  s,
int  bit 

Definition at line 2570 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

quint8 FF7Save::itemQty ( int  s,
int  item_num 

Definition at line 802 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References itemDecode(), items(), and slot.

Referenced by setItem(), and setItems().

quint8 FF7Save::itemQty ( quint16  rawitem)

Definition at line 803 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References itemDecode().

QList< quint16 > FF7Save::items ( int  s)

Definition at line 779 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

Referenced by itemId(), and itemQty().

bool FF7Save::keyItem ( int  s,
int  keyItem 

Definition at line 2719 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

QByteArray FF7Save::keyItems ( int  s)

Definition at line 2709 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

bool FF7Save::killedEmeraldWeapon ( int  s)

Definition at line 3682 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

Referenced by setKilledEmeraldWeapon().

bool FF7Save::killedRubyWeapon ( int  s)

Definition at line 3705 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

Referenced by setKilledRubyWeapon().

int FF7Save::lenCoreSave ( void  )

Definition at line 1324 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References SG_DATA_SIZE.

int FF7Save::lenFile ( void  )

Definition at line 1321 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References SG_SIZE.

int FF7Save::lenFileFooter ( void  )

Definition at line 1323 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References SG_FOOTER.

int FF7Save::lenFileHeader ( void  )

Definition at line 1322 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References SG_HEADER.

int FF7Save::lenSlot ( void  )

Definition at line 1327 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References SG_SLOT_SIZE.

int FF7Save::lenSlotFooter ( void  )

Definition at line 1326 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References SG_SLOT_FOOTER.

int FF7Save::lenSlotHeader ( void  )

Definition at line 1325 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References SG_SLOT_HEADER.

QString FF7Save::location ( int  s)

Definition at line 1689 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References FF7TEXT::init(), isJPN(), slot, Text, and FF7TEXT::toPC().

Referenced by setLocation().

quint8 FF7Save::locationD ( int  s)

direction player is facing on field map

sslot number (0-14)

Definition at line 3408 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

Referenced by setLocationD().

quint16 FF7Save::locationId ( int  s)

Id of the location save is located on.

sslot number (0-14)
location id

Definition at line 3328 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

Referenced by setLocationId().

quint16 FF7Save::locationT ( int  s)

triangle play is standing on. field map

sslot number (0-14)

Definition at line 3392 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

Referenced by setLocationT().

qint16 FF7Save::locationX ( int  s)

x coordinate on field map

sslot number (0-14)
x coordinate

Definition at line 3360 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

Referenced by setLocationX().

qint16 FF7Save::locationY ( int  s)

y coordinate on field map

sslot number (0-14)
y coordinate

Definition at line 3376 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

Referenced by setLocationY().

quint8 FF7Save::love ( int  s,
bool  battle,
FF7Save::LOVER  who 

Definition at line 1710 of file FF7Save.cpp.


Referenced by setLove().

int FF7Save::magicOrder ( int  s)

Definition at line 3072 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References options(), and slot.

Referenced by setMagicOrder().

quint16 FF7Save::mainProgress ( int  s)

Definition at line 1558 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

quint16 FF7Save::mapId ( int  s)

map id save is on

sslot number (0-14)
map id

Definition at line 3344 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

Referenced by setMapId().

bool FF7Save::materiaCave ( int  s,

Definition at line 1760 of file FF7Save.cpp.


QString FF7Save::md5sum ( QString  fileName,
QString  UserID 

Definition at line 2348 of file FF7Save.cpp.

Referenced by createMetadata(), and parseXML().

bool FF7Save::menuLocked ( int  s,
int  index 

Definition at line 3297 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

quint16 FF7Save::menuLocked ( int  s)

Definition at line 3323 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

bool FF7Save::menuVisible ( int  s,
int  index 

Definition at line 3265 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

quint16 FF7Save::menuVisible ( int  s)

Definition at line 3291 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

int FF7Save::messageSpeed ( int  s)

Definition at line 3121 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

bool FF7Save::midgarTrainFlags ( int  s,
int  bit 

Definition at line 2678 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

void FF7Save::newGame ( int  s,
QString  fileName = "" 

creates a new game in a slot

sslot number (0-14)
fileNameRaw PSX file to use instead of defalut data

Definition at line 1433 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References default_save, FF7TEXT::init(), isJPN(), region(), setCharName(), setDescLocation(), setDescName(), setFileModified(), setLocation(), setRegion(), slot, and Text.

void FF7Save::newGamePlus ( int  s,
QString  CharFileName,
QString  fileName = "" 

creates a new game + in a slot

When creating a new game+ two char files will be exported. one for cait sith and another for vincent. those characters have to be reset to correctly set a new game. You can reimport the char files when you aquire the character in your new game +

sslot number (0-14)
CharFileNamebase filename to use for saving char files vincent and
fileNameRaw PSX file to use instead of defalut data

Definition at line 1471 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References buffer_region, buffer_slot, default_save, exportCharacter(), region(), setFileModified(), setLocation(), slot, and type().

int FF7Save::numberOfSlots ( void  )

Definition at line 1328 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References SG_SLOT_NUMBER.

quint16 FF7Save::options ( int  s)

In game options for a slot.

sslot number (0-14)
game options in raw format

Definition at line 3163 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

Referenced by atbMode(), battleHelp(), cameraMode(), controlMode(), cursorMode(), magicOrder(), setOptions(), and soundMode().

QVector< SubContainer > FF7Save::parseXML ( QString  fileName,
QString  metadataPath,
QString  UserID 

Definition at line 2379 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References fileblock(), filetimestamp(), isSlotModified(), md5sum(), and region().

Referenced by fixMetaData().

quint8 FF7Save::party ( int  s,
int  pos 

Definition at line 2264 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

qint32 FF7Save::partyMateriaAp ( int  s,
int  mat_num 

Definition at line 1862 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

quint8 FF7Save::partyMateriaId ( int  s,
int  mat_num 

Definition at line 1861 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

void FF7Save::pasteSlot ( int  s)

paste from the buffer into a slot

sslot number (0-14)

Definition at line 1150 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References buffer_region, buffer_slot, fix_vmc_header(), setFileModified(), SG_Region_String, SG_TYPE, slot, and vmcRegionEval().

Referenced by SlotSelect::paste_slot().

bool FF7Save::phsAllowed ( int  s,
int  who 

Definition at line 3233 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

quint16 FF7Save::phsAllowed ( int  s)

Definition at line 3239 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

bool FF7Save::phsVisible ( int  s,
int  who 

Definition at line 3201 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

quint16 FF7Save::phsVisible ( int  s)

Definition at line 3227 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

QByteArray FF7Save::ps3Key ( void  )

Definition at line 985 of file FF7Save.h.

References PS3Key.

Referenced by fix_psv_header().

QByteArray FF7Save::ps3Seed ( void  )

Definition at line 986 of file FF7Save.h.

References fileChanged(), and PS3Seed.

Referenced by fix_psv_header().

quint8 FF7Save::psx_block_next ( int  s)
quint8 FF7Save::psx_block_size ( int  s)
quint8 FF7Save::psx_block_type ( int  s)
QString FF7Save::psxDesc ( int  s)

Get Description Text for PSX Slot.

This text is the text shown when you view the save slot in the memory manager on the playstation. It is also visible in many programs that work with psx memory cards.

sslot number (0-14)

Definition at line 1256 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slotHeader().

Referenced by SlotSelect::setSlotPreview().

QByteArray FF7Save::rawCharacterData ( int  s,
int  char_num 

Definition at line 1932 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

Referenced by exportCharacter().

quint16 FF7Save::runs ( int  s)

Definition at line 2256 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

Referenced by setRuns().

bool FF7Save::saveFile ( const QString &  fileName)
bool FF7Save::seenPandorasBox ( int  s)

Definition at line 3561 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

void FF7Save::setAtbMode ( int  s,
int  mode 

Definition at line 3035 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References ATB_ACTIVE, ATB_RECOMMENED, ATB_WAIT, atbMode(), setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setBattleHelp ( int  s,
bool  shown 

Definition at line 3100 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References battleHelp(), setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setBattleMessageSpeed ( int  s,
int  speed 

Definition at line 3133 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setBattlePoints ( int  s,
quint16  bp 

Definition at line 2337 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setBattles ( int  s,
int  battles 

Definition at line 2249 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References battles(), setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setBattleSpeed ( int  s,
int  speed 

Definition at line 3111 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setBattleTargets ( int  s,
bool  shown 

Definition at line 3153 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References battleTargets(), setFileModified(), and slot.

Referenced by setTutSub().

void FF7Save::setBikeHighScore ( int  s,
quint16  score 

Definition at line 2335 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setBmProgress1 ( int  s,
int  bit,
bool  isTrue 

Definition at line 2592 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setBmProgress1 ( int  s,
int  value 

Definition at line 2603 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setBmProgress2 ( int  s,
int  bit,
bool  isTrue 

Definition at line 2622 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setBmProgress2 ( int  s,
int  value 

Definition at line 2633 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setBmProgress3 ( int  s,
int  bit,
bool  isTrue 

Definition at line 2652 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setBmProgress3 ( int  s,
int  value 

Definition at line 2663 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setCameraMode ( int  s,
int  mode 

Definition at line 3051 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References CAMERA_AUTO, CAMERA_FIXED, cameraMode(), setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setCameraMode ( int  s,
bool  mode 

Definition at line 3063 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References cameraMode(), setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setCanFightNinjaInForest ( int  s,
bool  isTrue 

Definition at line 3749 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References canFightNinjaInForest(), setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setCharAccessory ( int  s,
int  char_num,
quint8  accessory 

Definition at line 2000 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setCharacter ( int  s,
int  char_num,
FF7CHAR  new_char 

Definition at line 1928 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

void FF7Save::setCharArmor ( int  s,
int  char_num,
quint8  armor 

Definition at line 1999 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setCharBaseHp ( int  s,
int  char_num,
quint16  baseHp 

Definition at line 2014 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setCharBaseMp ( int  s,
int  char_num,
quint16  baseMp 

Definition at line 2016 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setCharCurrentExp ( int  s,
int  char_num,
quint32  exp 

Definition at line 2020 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setCharCurrentHp ( int  s,
int  char_num,
quint16  curHp 

Definition at line 2013 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setCharCurrentMp ( int  s,
int  char_num,
quint16  curMp 

Definition at line 2015 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setCharDex ( int  s,
int  char_num,
quint8  dex 

Definition at line 1988 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setCharDexBonus ( int  s,
int  char_num,
quint8  dexbonus 

Definition at line 1994 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setCharFlag ( int  s,
int  char_num,
int  flag_num,
quint8  flag_value 

Definition at line 2001 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setCharID ( int  s,
int  char_num,
qint8  new_id 

Definition at line 1982 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setCharKills ( int  s,
int  char_num,
quint16  kills 

Definition at line 2003 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setCharLck ( int  s,
int  char_num,
quint8  lck 

Definition at line 1989 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setCharLckBonus ( int  s,
int  char_num,
quint8  lckbonus 

Definition at line 1995 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setCharLevel ( int  s,
int  char_num,
qint8  new_level 

Definition at line 1983 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setCharLimitBar ( int  s,
int  char_num,
quint8  limitbar 

Definition at line 1997 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setCharLimitLevel ( int  s,
int  char_num,
qint8  limitlevel 

Definition at line 1996 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setCharLimits ( int  s,
int  char_num,
quint16  new_limits 

Definition at line 2002 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setCharMag ( int  s,
int  char_num,
quint8  mag 

Definition at line 1986 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setCharMagBonus ( int  s,
int  char_num,
quint8  magbonus 

Definition at line 1992 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setCharMateria ( int  s,
int  who,
int  mat_num,
quint8  id,
qint32  ap 

Definition at line 2023 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setCharMateria ( int  s,
int  who,
int  mat_num,
materia  mat 

Definition at line 2044 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setCharMaxHp ( int  s,
int  char_num,
quint16  maxHp 

Definition at line 2018 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setCharMaxMp ( int  s,
int  char_num,
quint16  maxMp 

Definition at line 2019 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setCharName ( int  s,
int  char_num,
QString  new_name 

Definition at line 1610 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References FF7TEXT::init(), isJPN(), setFileModified(), slot, Text, and FF7TEXT::toFF7().

Referenced by newGame().

void FF7Save::setCharNextExp ( int  s,
int  char_num,
quint32  next 

Definition at line 2021 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setCharSpi ( int  s,
int  char_num,
quint8  spi 

Definition at line 1987 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setCharSpiBonus ( int  s,
int  char_num,
quint8  spibonus 

Definition at line 1993 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setCharStr ( int  s,
int  char_num,
quint8  str 

Definition at line 1984 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setCharStrBonus ( int  s,
int  char_num,
quint8  strbonus 

Definition at line 1990 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setCharTimeLimitUsed ( int  s,
int  char_num,
int  level,
quint16  timesused 

Definition at line 2004 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setCharUnknown ( int  s,
int  char_num,
int  unknown_num,
quint8  value 

Definition at line 2017 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setCharVit ( int  s,
int  char_num,
quint8  vit 

Definition at line 1985 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setCharVitBonus ( int  s,
int  char_num,
quint8  vitbonus 

Definition at line 1991 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setCharWeapon ( int  s,
int  char_num,
quint8  weapon 

Definition at line 1998 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setChocoAccel ( int  s,
int  chocoSlot,
quint8  value 

Definition at line 2196 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setChocoboPen ( int  s,
int  pen,
qint8  value 

return the chocobos in the pen outside of the chocobo farm

sslot number (0-14)
penthe slot in the pen to assign to (0-3)
valuerating of the chocobo (0:Empty 1:Wonderful 2:Great 3:Good 4:Fair 5:Average 6:Poor 7:Bad 8:Terrible)
void FF7Save::setChocoboPen ( int  s,
int  pos,
int  type 

Definition at line 3536 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setChocoboRating ( int  s,
int  stable,
int  rating 

Set Choco Billy's Rating of a chocobo.

This is the rating that Choco Billy give to a chocobo it follows the same format as FF7Save::chocoboPen()

sslot number (0-14)
stablestable number 0-5
rating(0-8) 0:empty 1: wonderful 8:terrible

Definition at line 4721 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setChocoCantMate ( int  s,
int  chocoSlot,
bool  cantMate 

Definition at line 2226 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setChocoCoop ( int  s,
int  chocoSlot,
quint8  value 

Definition at line 2190 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setChocoIntelligence ( int  s,
int  chocoSlot,
quint8  value 

Definition at line 2202 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setChocoMaxSpeed ( int  s,
int  chocoSlot,
quint16  maxspeed 

Definition at line 2160 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setChocoMaxSprintSpeed ( int  s,
int  chocoSlot,
quint16  maxsprintSpeed 

Definition at line 2172 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setChocoName ( int  s,
int  choco_num,
QString  new_name 

Definition at line 1831 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References FF7TEXT::init(), isJPN(), setFileModified(), slot, Text, and FF7TEXT::toFF7().

void FF7Save::setChocoPCount ( int  s,
int  chocoSlot,
quint8  value 

Definition at line 2214 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setChocoPersonality ( int  s,
int  chocoSlot,
quint8  value 

Definition at line 2220 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setChocoRaceswon ( int  s,
int  chocoSlot,
quint8  value 

Definition at line 2208 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setChocoSex ( int  s,
int  chocoSlot,
quint8  value 

Definition at line 2178 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setChocoSpeed ( int  s,
int  chocoSlot,
quint16  speed 

Definition at line 2154 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setChocoSprintSpeed ( int  s,
int  chocoSlot,
quint16  sprintSpeed 

Definition at line 2166 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setChocoStamina ( int  s,
int  chocoSlot,
quint16  stamina 

Definition at line 2153 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setChocoType ( int  s,
int  chocoSlot,
quint8  value 

Definition at line 2184 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setChurchProgress ( int  s,
int  progress 

Definition at line 3596 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setCondorFunds ( int  s,
quint16  value 

set how gil you have donated to fort condor

sslot number (0-14)
valueamount of gil donated

Definition at line 3433 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References condorFunds(), setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setCondorLosses ( int  s,
quint8  losses 

set how many time you have lost the fort condor mini game

sslot number (0-14)
lossesnumber of losses in the fort condor mini game

Definition at line 3457 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References condorLosses(), setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setCondorWins ( int  s,
quint8  wins 

set how many time you have won the fort condor mini game

sslot number (0-14)
winsnumber of wins in the fort condor mini game
number of wins at fort condor

Definition at line 3447 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References condorWins(), setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setControllerMapping ( int  s,
QByteArray  map 

set the controller mapping for a slot

The controller mapping while stored in the pc save is not used? and shouln't be edited

sslot number (0-14)
mapMapping as raw bytes

Definition at line 3180 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References controllerMapping(), setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setControllerMapping ( int  s,
int  action,
int  button 

bind a button to an action for a slot.

The controller mapping while stored in the pc save is not used? and shouln't be edited

sslot number (0-14)
actionvalid game action ( FF7Save::CONTROLACTION )
buttona valid button ( FF7Save::PSXBUTTON )

Definition at line 3189 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setControlMode ( int  s,
int  mode 
void FF7Save::setControlMode ( int  s,
bool  mode 

Definition at line 2995 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References controlMode(), setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setCountdownTimer ( int  s,
quint32  time 

Definition at line 3550 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setCraterSavePointMapID ( int  s,
int  value 

set the map that the placeable save point is on

sslot number (0-14)
valuenew mapID

Definition at line 4532 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setCraterSavePointX ( int  s,
int  value 

set x coordinate of the placeable save point

sslot number (0-14)
valuenew x coordinate

Definition at line 4550 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setCraterSavePointY ( int  s,
int  value 

set y coordinate of the placeable save point

sslot number (0-14)
valuenew y coordinate

Definition at line 4569 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setCraterSavePointZ ( int  s,
int  value 

set z coordinate of the placeable save point

sslot number (0-14)
valuenew z coordinate

Definition at line 4587 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setCursorMode ( int  s,
int  mode 

Definition at line 3006 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References CURSOR_INITIAL, CURSOR_MEMORY, cursorMode(), setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setCursorMode ( int  s,
bool  mode 

Definition at line 3019 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References cursorMode(), setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setDescCurHP ( int  s,
quint16  new_curHP 

Definition at line 1671 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setDescCurMP ( int  s,
quint16  new_curMP 

Definition at line 1673 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setDescGil ( int  s,
quint32  new_gil 

Definition at line 1675 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

Referenced by setGil().

void FF7Save::setDescLevel ( int  s,
int  new_level 

Definition at line 1668 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setDescLocation ( int  s,
QString  new_desc_location 

Definition at line 1647 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References FF7TEXT::init(), isJPN(), setFileModified(), slot, Text, and FF7TEXT::toFF7().

Referenced by newGame(), and setLocation().

void FF7Save::setDescMaxHP ( int  s,
quint16  new_maxHP 

Definition at line 1672 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setDescMaxMP ( int  s,
quint16  new_maxMP 

Definition at line 1674 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setDescName ( int  s,
QString  new_name 

Definition at line 1628 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References FF7TEXT::init(), isJPN(), setFileModified(), slot, Text, and FF7TEXT::toFF7().

Referenced by newGame().

void FF7Save::setDescParty ( int  s,
int  char_num,
quint8  new_id 

Definition at line 1670 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setDescTime ( int  s,
quint32  new_time 

Definition at line 1678 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

Referenced by setTime().

void FF7Save::setDialogColorLL ( int  s,
QColor  color 

Definition at line 1914 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setDialogColorLR ( int  s,
QColor  color 

Definition at line 1921 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setDialogColorUL ( int  s,
QColor  color 

Definition at line 1900 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setDialogColorUR ( int  s,
QColor  color 

Definition at line 1907 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setDisc ( int  s,
int  disc 

Definition at line 1553 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References disc(), setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setDonProgress ( int  s,
int  progress 

Definition at line 3616 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setFieldHelp ( int  s,
bool  shown 

Definition at line 3143 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References fieldHelp(), setFileModified(), and slot.

bool FF7Save::setFileFooter ( QByteArray  data)

set the file footer

datareplace exsisting data with these bytes
True is Successful

Definition at line 168 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References file_footerp, and SG_FOOTER.

Referenced by loadFile().

bool FF7Save::setFileHeader ( QByteArray  data)

set the file header

datareplace exsisting data with these bytes
True is Successful

Definition at line 135 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References file_headerp, and SG_HEADER.

Referenced by fix_psv_header(), and loadFile().

void FF7Save::setFileModified ( bool  changed,
int  s 

Definition at line 2372 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References fileChanged(), fileHasChanged, and slotChanged.

Referenced by clearSlot(), exportPC(), importCharacter(), importSlot(), loadFile(), newGame(), newGamePlus(), pasteSlot(), saveFile(), setAtbMode(), setBattleHelp(), setBattleMessageSpeed(), setBattlePoints(), setBattles(), setBattleSpeed(), setBattleTargets(), setBikeHighScore(), setBmProgress1(), setBmProgress2(), setBmProgress3(), setCameraMode(), setCanFightNinjaInForest(), setCharAccessory(), setCharArmor(), setCharBaseHp(), setCharBaseMp(), setCharCurrentExp(), setCharCurrentHp(), setCharCurrentMp(), setCharDex(), setCharDexBonus(), setCharFlag(), setCharID(), setCharKills(), setCharLck(), setCharLckBonus(), setCharLevel(), setCharLimitBar(), setCharLimitLevel(), setCharLimits(), setCharMag(), setCharMagBonus(), setCharMateria(), setCharMaxHp(), setCharMaxMp(), setCharName(), setCharNextExp(), setCharSpi(), setCharSpiBonus(), setCharStr(), setCharStrBonus(), setCharTimeLimitUsed(), setCharUnknown(), setCharVit(), setCharVitBonus(), setCharWeapon(), setChocoAccel(), setChocoboPen(), setChocoboRating(), setChocoCantMate(), setChocoCoop(), setChocoIntelligence(), setChocoMaxSpeed(), setChocoMaxSprintSpeed(), setChocoName(), setChocoPCount(), setChocoPersonality(), setChocoRaceswon(), setChocoSex(), setChocoSpeed(), setChocoSprintSpeed(), setChocoStamina(), setChocoType(), setChurchProgress(), setCondorFunds(), setCondorLosses(), setCondorWins(), setControllerMapping(), setControlMode(), setCountdownTimer(), setCraterSavePointMapID(), setCraterSavePointX(), setCraterSavePointY(), setCraterSavePointZ(), setCursorMode(), setDescCurHP(), setDescCurMP(), setDescGil(), setDescLevel(), setDescLocation(), setDescMaxHP(), setDescMaxMP(), setDescName(), setDescParty(), setDescTime(), setDialogColorLL(), setDialogColorLR(), setDialogColorUL(), setDialogColorUR(), setDisc(), setDonProgress(), setFieldHelp(), setGil(), setGp(), setItem(), setItemMask1(), setItems(), setKeyItem(), setKeyItems(), setKilledEmeraldWeapon(), setKilledRubyWeapon(), setLocation(), setLocationD(), setLocationId(), setLocationT(), setLocationX(), setLocationY(), setLove(), setMagicOrder(), setMainProgress(), setMapId(), setMateriaCave(), setMenuLocked(), setMenuVisible(), setMessageSpeed(), setMidgarTrainFlags(), setOptions(), setParty(), setPartyMateria(), setPhsAllowed(), setPhsVisible(), setPsxDesc(), setRegion(), setRuns(), setSeenPandorasBox(), setSlotFF7Data(), setSlotFooter(), setSlotHeader(), setSlotPsxRawData(), setSnowboardScore(), setSnowboardTime(), setSoundMode(), setSpeedScore(), setStableMask(), setStablesOccupied(), setStablesOwned(), setStartBombingMission(), setSteps(), setStolenMateria(), setSubMiniGameVictory(), setTime(), setTurtleParadiseFlyerSeen(), setTurtleParadiseFlyersSeen(), setTutSave(), setTutSub(), setUnknown(), setUWeaponHp(), setVincentUnlocked(), setWorldChocobo(), setWorldCoordsBh(), setWorldCoordsBhAngle(), setWorldCoordsBhID(), setWorldCoordsBhX(), setWorldCoordsBhY(), setWorldCoordsBhZ(), setWorldCoordsDurw(), setWorldCoordsDurwAngle(), setWorldCoordsDurwID(), setWorldCoordsDurwX(), setWorldCoordsDurwY(), setWorldCoordsDurwZ(), setWorldCoordsLeader(), setWorldCoordsLeaderAngle(), setWorldCoordsLeaderID(), setWorldCoordsLeaderX(), setWorldCoordsLeaderY(), setWorldCoordsLeaderZ(), setWorldCoordsSub(), setWorldCoordsSubAngle(), setWorldCoordsSubID(), setWorldCoordsSubX(), setWorldCoordsSubY(), setWorldCoordsSubZ(), setWorldCoordsTc(), setWorldCoordsTcAngle(), setWorldCoordsTcID(), setWorldCoordsTcX(), setWorldCoordsTcY(), setWorldCoordsTcZ(), setWorldCoordsWchoco(), setWorldCoordsWchocoAngle(), setWorldCoordsWchocoID(), setWorldCoordsWchocoX(), setWorldCoordsWchocoY(), setWorldCoordsWchocoZ(), setWorldVehicle(), and setYuffieUnlocked().

void FF7Save::setGil ( int  s,
int  gil 

Definition at line 2233 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References gil(), setDescGil(), setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setGp ( int  s,
int  gp 

Definition at line 2241 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References gp(), setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setItem ( int  s,
int  item_num,
quint16  rawitem 

Definition at line 761 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References itemEncode(), itemId(), itemQty(), region(), setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setItem ( int  s,
int  item_num,
quint16  new_id,
quint8  new_qty 

Definition at line 769 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References itemEncode(), region(), setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setItemMask1 ( int  s,
int  bit,
bool  pickedUp 

Definition at line 2575 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setItems ( int  s,
QList< quint16 >  items 

Definition at line 786 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References itemEncode(), itemId(), itemQty(), region(), setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setKeyItem ( int  s,
int  keyItem,
bool  pickedUp 

Definition at line 2725 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

bool FF7Save::setKeyItems ( int  s,
QByteArray  data 

Definition at line 2737 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setKilledEmeraldWeapon ( int  s,
bool  isTrue 

Definition at line 3691 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References killedEmeraldWeapon(), setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setKilledRubyWeapon ( int  s,
bool  isTrue 

Definition at line 3715 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References killedRubyWeapon(), setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setLocation ( int  s,
QString  new_location 
void FF7Save::setLocationD ( int  s,
quint8  d 

set direction player is facing on field map

sslot number (0-14)
dnew direction

Definition at line 3414 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References locationD(), setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setLocationId ( int  s,
quint16  locationID 

set location id save is located on

sslot number (0-14)
locationIDnew locationID

Definition at line 3334 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References locationId(), setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setLocationT ( int  s,
quint16  t 

set t coordinate on field map

sslot number (0-14)
tnew t coordinate

Definition at line 3398 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References locationT(), setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setLocationX ( int  s,
qint16  x 

set x coordinate on field map

sslot number (0-14)
xnew x coordinate

Definition at line 3366 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References locationX(), setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setLocationY ( int  s,
qint16  y 

set y coordinate on field map

sslot number (0-14)
ynew y coordinate

Definition at line 3382 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References locationY(), setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setLove ( int  s,
bool  battle,
FF7Save::LOVER  who,
quint8  love 

Definition at line 1735 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References love(), LOVE_AERIS, LOVE_BARRET, LOVE_TIFA, LOVE_YUFFIE, setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setMagicOrder ( int  s,
int  order 
void FF7Save::setMainProgress ( int  s,
int  mProgress 

Definition at line 1563 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setMapId ( int  s,
quint16  mapID 

set map id save is located on

sslot number (0-14)
mapIDnew mapID

Definition at line 3350 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References mapId(), setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setMateriaCave ( int  s,
bool  isEmpty 

Definition at line 1771 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References CAVE_HPMP, CAVE_KOTR, CAVE_MIME, CAVE_QUADMAGIC, setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setMenuLocked ( int  s,
int  index,
bool  checked 

Definition at line 3303 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setMenuLocked ( int  s,
quint16  menu_visible 

Definition at line 3314 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setMenuVisible ( int  s,
int  index,
bool  checked 

Definition at line 3271 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setMenuVisible ( int  s,
quint16  menu_visible 

Definition at line 3282 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setMessageSpeed ( int  s,
int  speed 

Definition at line 3122 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setMidgarTrainFlags ( int  s,
int  bit,
bool  isTrue 

Definition at line 2683 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setMidgarTrainFlags ( int  s,
int  value 

Definition at line 2694 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setOptions ( int  s,
int  opt 

Set in game options for a slot.

sslot number (0-14)
optgame options in raw format

Definition at line 3164 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References options(), setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setParty ( int  s,
int  pos,
int  new_id 

Definition at line 2265 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setPartyMateria ( int  s,
int  mat_num,
quint8  id,
qint32  ap 

Definition at line 1840 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setPhsAllowed ( int  s,
int  who,
bool  checked 

Definition at line 3245 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setPhsAllowed ( int  s,
quint16  phs_visible 

Definition at line 3256 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setPhsVisible ( int  s,
int  who,
bool  checked 

Definition at line 3207 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setPhsVisible ( int  s,
quint16  phs_visible 

Definition at line 3218 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setPs3Key ( QByteArray  key)

Definition at line 983 of file FF7Save.h.

References PS3Key.

void FF7Save::setPs3Seed ( QByteArray  seed)

Definition at line 984 of file FF7Save.h.

References PS3Seed.

void FF7Save::setPsx_block_next ( int  s,
int  next 

Definition at line 1185 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References file_headerp, and type().

void FF7Save::setPsx_block_size ( int  s,
int  blockSize 

Definition at line 1214 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References file_headerp, and type().

void FF7Save::setPsx_block_type ( int  s,
FF7Save::PSXBLOCKTYPE  block_type 

Definition at line 1172 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References file_headerp, and type().

void FF7Save::setPsxDesc ( QString  newDesc,
int  s 

Set The Description Text for PSX Slot (text shows in memory card manager of playstation)

This text is the text shown when you view the save slot in the memory manager on the playstation. It is also visible in many programs that work with psx memory cards.

newDescyour new text
sslot number (0-14)

Definition at line 1266 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), setSlotHeader(), and slotHeader().

void FF7Save::setRegion ( int  s,
QString  region 

Definition at line 1110 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References fix_vmc_header(), isFF7(), setFileModified(), SG_Region_String, SG_TYPE, and vmcRegionEval().

Referenced by importSlot(), and newGame().

void FF7Save::setRuns ( int  s,
int  runs 

Definition at line 2257 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References runs(), setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setSaveNumber ( int  s,
int  saveNum 

Definition at line 1099 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References fix_vmc_header(), isFF7(), SG_Region_String, and SG_TYPE.

void FF7Save::setSeenPandorasBox ( int  s,
bool  seen 

Definition at line 3566 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

bool FF7Save::setSlotFF7Data ( int  s,
QByteArray  data 

Definition at line 2521 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

Referenced by importSlot(), loadFile(), and setSlotPsxRawData().

FF7Save::setSlotFF7Data ( int  s,
FF7SLOT  data 

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

sslot number (0-14)
datareplace exsisting data with these bytes

Definition at line 2530 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

bool FF7Save::setSlotFooter ( int  s,
QByteArray  data 

set the slot footer

sslot number (0-14)
datareplace exsisting data with these bytes
True is Successful

Definition at line 183 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References hf, setFileModified(), and SG_SLOT_FOOTER.

Referenced by loadFile(), and setSlotPsxRawData().

bool FF7Save::setSlotHeader ( int  s,
QByteArray  data 

set the slot header

sslot number (0-14)
datareplace exsisting data with these bytes
True is Successful

Definition at line 152 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References hf, setFileModified(), and SG_SLOT_HEADER.

Referenced by loadFile(), setPsxDesc(), and setSlotPsxRawData().

bool FF7Save::setSlotPsxRawData ( int  s,
QByteArray  data 

set the slots raw psx data

Most Useful when connected to a hexEditor, This function will set the slot(s) raw data as if writing to a psx card directly. even if more then one slot and correctly update the save index based on whats in the data.

sslot number (0-14)
datareplace exsisting data with these bytes
True is Successful

Definition at line 218 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References psx_block_next(), setFileModified(), setSlotFF7Data(), setSlotFooter(), and setSlotHeader().

void FF7Save::setSnowboardScore ( int  s,
int  course,
quint8  score 

Definition at line 2323 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setSnowboardTime ( int  s,
int  course,
QString  time 

Definition at line 2292 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setSoundMode ( int  s,
int  mode 

setSound mode for a slot

sslot number (0-14)
newsoundMode FF7Save::SOUNDMODE

Definition at line 2957 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), slot, SOUND_MONO, SOUND_STEREO, and soundMode().

void FF7Save::setSoundMode ( int  s,
bool  mode 

Definition at line 2970 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), slot, and soundMode().

void FF7Save::setSpeedScore ( int  s,
int  rank,
quint16  score 

Definition at line 1812 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setStableMask ( int  s,
qint8  value 

Definition at line 3519 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setStablesOccupied ( int  s,
qint8  value 

Definition at line 3506 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setStablesOwned ( int  s,
qint8  value 

Definition at line 3494 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setStartBombingMission ( int  s,
bool  isTrue 

Definition at line 3639 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setSteps ( int  s,
int  steps 

Definition at line 3577 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), slot, and steps().

void FF7Save::setStolenMateria ( int  s,
int  mat_num,
quint8  id,
qint32  ap 

Definition at line 1867 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setSubMiniGameVictory ( int  s,
bool  won 

Definition at line 4705 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setTime ( int  s,
quint32  new_time 

Definition at line 1682 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setDescTime(), setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setTurtleParadiseFlyerSeen ( int  s,
int  flyer,
bool  seen 

Definition at line 2550 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setTurtleParadiseFlyersSeen ( int  s,
quint8  flyersSeen 

Definition at line 2561 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setTutSave ( int  s,
int  value 

Definition at line 3733 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setTutSub ( int  s,
int  bit,
bool  isTrue 

Definition at line 3772 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setBattleTargets(), setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setTutSub ( int  s,
int  value 

Definition at line 3784 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setType ( QString  type)

Definition at line 1331 of file FF7Save.cpp.


Referenced by exportDEX(), exportPC(), exportPSX(), exportVGS(), exportVMC(), and loadFile().

bool FF7Save::setUnknown ( int  s,
int  z,
QByteArray  data 

Definition at line 2805 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setUWeaponHp ( int  s,
int  hp 

Definition at line 3665 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), slot, and uWeaponHp().

void FF7Save::setVincentUnlocked ( int  s,
bool  isUnlocked 

set if vincent has been unlocked

sslot number (0-14)
isUnlockedIs Character Unlocked?

Definition at line 3820 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setWorldChocobo ( int  s,
int  bit,
bool  isTrue 

Definition at line 3837 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setWorldCoordsBh ( int  s,
bool  firstChunk,
int  value 

Definition at line 4118 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), slot, and worldCoordsBh().

void FF7Save::setWorldCoordsBhAngle ( int  s,
int  value 
void FF7Save::setWorldCoordsBhID ( int  s,
int  value 
void FF7Save::setWorldCoordsBhX ( int  s,
int  value 
void FF7Save::setWorldCoordsBhY ( int  s,
int  value 

Definition at line 4170 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), slot, worldCoordsBhY(), and worldCoordsBhZ().

void FF7Save::setWorldCoordsBhZ ( int  s,
int  value 

Definition at line 4182 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), slot, worldCoordsBhY(), and worldCoordsBhZ().

void FF7Save::setWorldCoordsDurw ( int  s,
bool  firstChunk,
int  value 

Definition at line 4449 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), slot, and worldCoordsDurw().

void FF7Save::setWorldCoordsDurwAngle ( int  s,
int  value 
void FF7Save::setWorldCoordsDurwID ( int  s,
int  value 
void FF7Save::setWorldCoordsDurwX ( int  s,
int  value 
void FF7Save::setWorldCoordsDurwY ( int  s,
int  value 

Definition at line 4501 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), slot, worldCoordsDurwY(), and worldCoordsDurwZ().

void FF7Save::setWorldCoordsDurwZ ( int  s,
int  value 

Definition at line 4513 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), slot, worldCoordsDurwY(), and worldCoordsDurwZ().

void FF7Save::setWorldCoordsLeader ( int  s,
bool  firstChunk,
int  value 

Definition at line 3900 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), slot, and worldCoordsLeader().

void FF7Save::setWorldCoordsLeaderAngle ( int  s,
int  value 
void FF7Save::setWorldCoordsLeaderID ( int  s,
int  value 
void FF7Save::setWorldCoordsLeaderX ( int  s,
int  value 
void FF7Save::setWorldCoordsLeaderY ( int  s,
int  value 

Definition at line 3952 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), slot, worldCoordsLeaderY(), and worldCoordsLeaderZ().

void FF7Save::setWorldCoordsLeaderZ ( int  s,
int  value 

Definition at line 3964 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), slot, worldCoordsLeaderY(), and worldCoordsLeaderZ().

void FF7Save::setWorldCoordsSub ( int  s,
bool  firstChunk,
int  value 

Definition at line 4228 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), slot, and worldCoordsSub().

void FF7Save::setWorldCoordsSubAngle ( int  s,
int  value 
void FF7Save::setWorldCoordsSubID ( int  s,
int  value 
void FF7Save::setWorldCoordsSubX ( int  s,
int  value 
void FF7Save::setWorldCoordsSubY ( int  s,
int  value 

Definition at line 4280 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), slot, worldCoordsSubY(), and worldCoordsSubZ().

void FF7Save::setWorldCoordsSubZ ( int  s,
int  value 

Definition at line 4292 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), slot, worldCoordsSubY(), and worldCoordsSubZ().

void FF7Save::setWorldCoordsTc ( int  s,
bool  firstChunk,
int  value 

Definition at line 4009 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), slot, and worldCoordsTc().

void FF7Save::setWorldCoordsTcAngle ( int  s,
int  value 
void FF7Save::setWorldCoordsTcID ( int  s,
int  value 
void FF7Save::setWorldCoordsTcX ( int  s,
int  value 
void FF7Save::setWorldCoordsTcY ( int  s,
int  value 

Definition at line 4061 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), slot, worldCoordsTcY(), and worldCoordsTcZ().

void FF7Save::setWorldCoordsTcZ ( int  s,
int  value 

Definition at line 4073 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), slot, worldCoordsTcY(), and worldCoordsTcZ().

void FF7Save::setWorldCoordsWchoco ( int  s,
bool  firstChunk,
int  value 

Definition at line 4338 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), slot, and worldCoordsWchoco().

void FF7Save::setWorldCoordsWchocoAngle ( int  s,
int  value 
void FF7Save::setWorldCoordsWchocoID ( int  s,
int  value 
void FF7Save::setWorldCoordsWchocoX ( int  s,
int  value 
void FF7Save::setWorldCoordsWchocoY ( int  s,
int  value 

Definition at line 4390 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), slot, worldCoordsWchocoY(), and worldCoordsWchocoZ().

void FF7Save::setWorldCoordsWchocoZ ( int  s,
int  value 

Definition at line 4402 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), slot, worldCoordsWchocoY(), and worldCoordsWchocoZ().

void FF7Save::setWorldVehicle ( int  s,
int  bit,
bool  isTrue 

Definition at line 3855 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

void FF7Save::setYuffieUnlocked ( int  s,
bool  isUnlocked 

set if yuffie has been unlocked

sslot number (0-14)
isUnlockedIs Character Unlocked?

Definition at line 3803 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References setFileModified(), and slot.

QByteArray FF7Save::slotFF7Data ( int  s)

Return Raw data from the slot.

sslot number (0-14)

Definition at line 2514 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

Referenced by exportPSX(), ff7Checksum(), saveFile(), and slotPsxRawData().

QByteArray FF7Save::slotFooter ( int  s)

Footer for a slot as QByteArray.

sslot number (0-14)

Definition at line 177 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References hf, and SG_SLOT_FOOTER.

Referenced by exportPSX(), saveFile(), and slotPsxRawData().

QByteArray FF7Save::slotHeader ( int  s)

Header for a slot as QByteArray.

sslot number (0-14)

Definition at line 146 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References hf, and SG_SLOT_HEADER.

Referenced by exportPSX(), psxDesc(), saveFile(), setPsxDesc(), slotIcon(), and slotPsxRawData().

QList< QByteArray > FF7Save::slotIcon ( int  s)

return slots save icon. each new frame will be appended to the list.

Definition at line 1578 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slotHeader().

Referenced by SlotSelect::setSlotPreview().

QByteArray FF7Save::slotPsxRawData ( int  s)

QByteArray of a psx save (multiblock saves are ok)

sslot number (0-14); if a multi block set s should be the first block used

Definition at line 191 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References fileName(), filename, psx_block_next(), psx_block_size(), slotFF7Data(), slotFooter(), slotHeader(), and type().

Referenced by fix_psv_header().

quint8 FF7Save::snowboardScore ( int  s,
int  course 

Definition at line 2312 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

QString FF7Save::snowboardTime ( int  s,
int  course 

Definition at line 2274 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot, and time().

bool FF7Save::soundMode ( int  s)

soundMode mono or stero

sslot number (0-14) return TRUE if Stero mode; FALSE for Mono

Definition at line 2955 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References options(), and slot.

Referenced by setSoundMode().

quint16 FF7Save::speedScore ( int  s,
int  rank 

Definition at line 1802 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

qint8 FF7Save::stableMask ( int  s)

Definition at line 3513 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

qint8 FF7Save::stablesOccupied ( int  s)

Definition at line 3501 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

qint8 FF7Save::stablesOwned ( int  s)

Definition at line 3489 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

bool FF7Save::startBombingMission ( int  s)

Definition at line 3630 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

quint16 FF7Save::steps ( int  s)

Definition at line 3572 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

Referenced by setSteps().

qint32 FF7Save::stolenMateriaAp ( int  s,
int  mat_num 

Definition at line 1890 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

quint8 FF7Save::stolenMateriaId ( int  s,
int  mat_num 

Definition at line 1888 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

bool FF7Save::subMiniGameVictory ( int  s)

Definition at line 4698 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

quint32 FF7Save::time ( int  s)

Definition at line 1680 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

Referenced by fix_psx_header(), and snowboardTime().

bool FF7Save::turtleParadiseFlyerSeen ( int  s,
int  flyer 

Definition at line 2538 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

quint8 FF7Save::turtleParadiseFlyersSeen ( int  s)

Definition at line 2544 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

quint8 FF7Save::tutSave ( int  s)

Definition at line 3728 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

quint8 FF7Save::tutSub ( int  s)

Definition at line 3762 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

bool FF7Save::tutSub ( int  s,
int  bit 

Definition at line 3767 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

QByteArray FF7Save::unknown ( int  s,
int  z 

Definition at line 2747 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

quint32 FF7Save::uWeaponHp ( int  s)

Definition at line 3660 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

Referenced by setUWeaponHp().

bool FF7Save::vincentUnlocked ( int  s)

has vincent been unlocked

sslot number (0-14)
True if vincent has been unlocked

Definition at line 3814 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

void FF7Save::vmcRegionEval ( int  s)

Definition at line 4597 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References region(), and SG_Region_String.

Referenced by pasteSlot(), and setRegion().

bool FF7Save::worldChocobo ( int  s,
int  bit 

Definition at line 3831 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

quint32 FF7Save::worldCoordsBh ( int  s,
bool  firstChunk 

Definition at line 4084 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

Referenced by setWorldCoordsBh().

int FF7Save::worldCoordsBhAngle ( int  s)

Definition at line 4103 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

Referenced by setWorldCoordsBhAngle(), setWorldCoordsBhID(), and setWorldCoordsBhX().

int FF7Save::worldCoordsBhID ( int  s)

Definition at line 4098 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

Referenced by setWorldCoordsBhAngle(), setWorldCoordsBhID(), and setWorldCoordsBhX().

int FF7Save::worldCoordsBhX ( int  s)

Definition at line 4093 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

Referenced by setWorldCoordsBhAngle(), setWorldCoordsBhID(), and setWorldCoordsBhX().

int FF7Save::worldCoordsBhY ( int  s)

Definition at line 4108 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

Referenced by setWorldCoordsBhY(), and setWorldCoordsBhZ().

int FF7Save::worldCoordsBhZ ( int  s)

Definition at line 4113 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

Referenced by setWorldCoordsBhY(), and setWorldCoordsBhZ().

quint32 FF7Save::worldCoordsDurw ( int  s,
bool  firstChunk 

Definition at line 4415 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

Referenced by setWorldCoordsDurw().

int FF7Save::worldCoordsDurwAngle ( int  s)

Definition at line 4434 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

Referenced by setWorldCoordsDurwAngle(), setWorldCoordsDurwID(), and setWorldCoordsDurwX().

int FF7Save::worldCoordsDurwID ( int  s)

Definition at line 4429 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

Referenced by setWorldCoordsDurwAngle(), setWorldCoordsDurwID(), and setWorldCoordsDurwX().

int FF7Save::worldCoordsDurwX ( int  s)

Definition at line 4424 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

Referenced by setWorldCoordsDurwAngle(), setWorldCoordsDurwID(), and setWorldCoordsDurwX().

int FF7Save::worldCoordsDurwY ( int  s)

Definition at line 4439 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

Referenced by setWorldCoordsDurwY(), and setWorldCoordsDurwZ().

int FF7Save::worldCoordsDurwZ ( int  s)

Definition at line 4444 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

Referenced by setWorldCoordsDurwY(), and setWorldCoordsDurwZ().

quint32 FF7Save::worldCoordsLeader ( int  s,
bool  firstChunk 

Definition at line 3866 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

Referenced by setWorldCoordsLeader().

int FF7Save::worldCoordsLeaderAngle ( int  s)

Definition at line 3885 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

Referenced by setWorldCoordsLeaderAngle(), setWorldCoordsLeaderID(), and setWorldCoordsLeaderX().

int FF7Save::worldCoordsLeaderID ( int  s)

Definition at line 3880 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

Referenced by setWorldCoordsLeaderAngle(), setWorldCoordsLeaderID(), and setWorldCoordsLeaderX().

int FF7Save::worldCoordsLeaderX ( int  s)

Definition at line 3875 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

Referenced by setWorldCoordsLeaderAngle(), setWorldCoordsLeaderID(), and setWorldCoordsLeaderX().

int FF7Save::worldCoordsLeaderY ( int  s)

Definition at line 3890 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

Referenced by setWorldCoordsLeaderY(), and setWorldCoordsLeaderZ().

int FF7Save::worldCoordsLeaderZ ( int  s)

Definition at line 3895 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

Referenced by setWorldCoordsLeaderY(), and setWorldCoordsLeaderZ().

quint32 FF7Save::worldCoordsSub ( int  s,
bool  firstChunk 

Definition at line 4194 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

Referenced by setWorldCoordsSub().

int FF7Save::worldCoordsSubAngle ( int  s)

Definition at line 4213 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

Referenced by setWorldCoordsSubAngle(), setWorldCoordsSubID(), and setWorldCoordsSubX().

int FF7Save::worldCoordsSubID ( int  s)

Definition at line 4208 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

Referenced by setWorldCoordsSubAngle(), setWorldCoordsSubID(), and setWorldCoordsSubX().

int FF7Save::worldCoordsSubX ( int  s)

Definition at line 4203 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

Referenced by setWorldCoordsSubAngle(), setWorldCoordsSubID(), and setWorldCoordsSubX().

int FF7Save::worldCoordsSubY ( int  s)

Definition at line 4218 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

Referenced by setWorldCoordsSubY(), and setWorldCoordsSubZ().

int FF7Save::worldCoordsSubZ ( int  s)

Definition at line 4223 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

Referenced by setWorldCoordsSubY(), and setWorldCoordsSubZ().

quint32 FF7Save::worldCoordsTc ( int  s,
bool  firstChunk 

Definition at line 3975 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

Referenced by setWorldCoordsTc().

int FF7Save::worldCoordsTcAngle ( int  s)

Definition at line 3994 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

Referenced by setWorldCoordsTcAngle(), setWorldCoordsTcID(), and setWorldCoordsTcX().

int FF7Save::worldCoordsTcID ( int  s)

Definition at line 3989 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

Referenced by setWorldCoordsTcAngle(), setWorldCoordsTcID(), and setWorldCoordsTcX().

int FF7Save::worldCoordsTcX ( int  s)

Definition at line 3984 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

Referenced by setWorldCoordsTcAngle(), setWorldCoordsTcID(), and setWorldCoordsTcX().

int FF7Save::worldCoordsTcY ( int  s)

Definition at line 3999 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

Referenced by setWorldCoordsTcY(), and setWorldCoordsTcZ().

int FF7Save::worldCoordsTcZ ( int  s)

Definition at line 4004 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

Referenced by setWorldCoordsTcY(), and setWorldCoordsTcZ().

quint32 FF7Save::worldCoordsWchoco ( int  s,
bool  firstChunk 

Definition at line 4304 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

Referenced by setWorldCoordsWchoco().

int FF7Save::worldCoordsWchocoAngle ( int  s)

Definition at line 4323 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

Referenced by setWorldCoordsWchocoAngle(), setWorldCoordsWchocoID(), and setWorldCoordsWchocoX().

int FF7Save::worldCoordsWchocoID ( int  s)

Definition at line 4318 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

Referenced by setWorldCoordsWchocoAngle(), setWorldCoordsWchocoID(), and setWorldCoordsWchocoX().

int FF7Save::worldCoordsWchocoX ( int  s)

Definition at line 4313 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

Referenced by setWorldCoordsWchocoAngle(), setWorldCoordsWchocoID(), and setWorldCoordsWchocoX().

int FF7Save::worldCoordsWchocoY ( int  s)

Definition at line 4328 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

Referenced by setWorldCoordsWchocoY(), and setWorldCoordsWchocoZ().

int FF7Save::worldCoordsWchocoZ ( int  s)

Definition at line 4333 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

Referenced by setWorldCoordsWchocoY(), and setWorldCoordsWchocoZ().

bool FF7Save::worldVehicle ( int  s,
int  bit 

Definition at line 3849 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

bool FF7Save::yuffieUnlocked ( int  s)

has yuffie been unlocked

sslot number (0-14)
True if yuffie has been unlocked

Definition at line 3798 of file FF7Save.cpp.

References slot.

Member Data Documentation

QString FF7Save::buffer_region

Definition at line 1013 of file FF7Save.h.

Referenced by copySlot(), newGamePlus(), and pasteSlot().

FF7SLOT FF7Save::buffer_slot

Definition at line 1012 of file FF7Save.h.

Referenced by copySlot(), FF7Save(), newGamePlus(), and pasteSlot().

quint8* FF7Save::file_footerp

Definition at line 995 of file FF7Save.h.

Referenced by FF7Save(), fileFooter(), and setFileFooter().

quint8 FF7Save::file_header_dex[0x2F40]

Definition at line 1002 of file FF7Save.h.

Referenced by exportDEX(), exportVGS(), exportVMC(), fix_vmc_header(), and setType().

quint8 FF7Save::file_header_mc[0x2000]

Definition at line 1003 of file FF7Save.h.

Referenced by exportDEX(), exportVGS(), fix_vmc_header(), and setType().

quint8 FF7Save::file_header_pc[0x0009]

Definition at line 996 of file FF7Save.h.

Referenced by exportPC(), and setType().

quint8 FF7Save::file_header_psp[0x2080]

Definition at line 1000 of file FF7Save.h.

Referenced by exportDEX(), exportVGS(), exportVMC(), fix_vmc_header(), and setType().

quint8 FF7Save::file_header_psv[0x0084]

Definition at line 999 of file FF7Save.h.

Referenced by setType().

quint8 FF7Save::file_header_vgs[0x2040]

Definition at line 1001 of file FF7Save.h.

Referenced by exportDEX(), exportVGS(), exportVMC(), fix_vmc_header(), and setType().

bool FF7Save::fileHasChanged

Definition at line 1017 of file FF7Save.h.

Referenced by FF7Save(), isFileModified(), and setFileModified().

QString FF7Save::filename
FF7HEADFOOT FF7Save::hf[15]
QByteArray FF7Save::PS3Key

Definition at line 1042 of file FF7Save.h.

Referenced by ps3Key(), and setPs3Key().

QByteArray FF7Save::PS3Seed

Definition at line 1043 of file FF7Save.h.

Referenced by ps3Seed(), and setPs3Seed().


Definition at line 1022 of file FF7Save.h.

Referenced by exportPSX(), FF7Save(), lenCoreSave(), loadFile(), saveFile(), and setType().

int FF7Save::SG_FOOTER
int FF7Save::SG_HEADER
QString FF7Save::SG_Region_String[15]
int FF7Save::SG_SIZE

Definition at line 1019 of file FF7Save.h.

Referenced by FF7Save(), lenFile(), and setType().


Definition at line 1026 of file FF7Save.h.

Referenced by checksumSlots(), FF7Save(), loadFile(), numberOfSlots(), saveFile(), and setType().


Definition at line 1025 of file FF7Save.h.

Referenced by FF7Save(), lenSlot(), and setType().

QString FF7Save::SG_TYPE
FF7SLOT FF7Save::slot[15]

Definition at line 992 of file FF7Save.h.

Referenced by atbMode(), battleHelp(), battleMessageSpeed(), battlePoints(), battles(), battleSpeed(), battleTargets(), bikeHighScore(), bmProgress1(), bmProgress2(), bmProgress3(), cameraMode(), canFightNinjaInForest(), charAccessory(), character(), charArmor(), charBaseHp(), charBaseMp(), charCurrentExp(), charCurrentHp(), charCurrentMp(), charDex(), charDexBonus(), charFlag(), charID(), charKills(), charLck(), charLckBonus(), charLevel(), charLimitBar(), charLimitLevel(), charLimits(), charMag(), charMagBonus(), charMateriaAp(), charMateriaId(), charMaxHp(), charMaxMp(), charName(), charNextExp(), charSpi(), charSpiBonus(), charStr(), charStrBonus(), charTimesLimitUsed(), charUnknown(), charVit(), charVitBonus(), charWeapon(), checksumSlots(), chocoAccel(), chocobo(), chocoboPen(), chocoboPens(), chocoboRating(), chocoboRatings(), chocoCantMate(), chocoCoop(), chocoIntelligence(), chocoMaxSpeed(), chocoMaxSprintSpeed(), chocoName(), chocoPCount(), chocoPersonality(), chocoRaceswon(), chocoSex(), chocoSpeed(), chocoSprintSpeed(), chocoStamina(), chocoType(), churchProgress(), clearSlot(), condorFunds(), condorLosses(), condorWins(), controllerMapping(), controlMode(), copySlot(), countdownTimer(), craterSavePointMapID(), craterSavePointX(), craterSavePointY(), craterSavePointZ(), cursorMode(), descCurHP(), descCurMP(), descGil(), descLevel(), descLocation(), descMaxHP(), descMaxMP(), descName(), descParty(), descTime(), dialogColorLL(), dialogColorLR(), dialogColorUL(), dialogColorUR(), disc(), donProgress(), exportPC(), fieldHelp(), fix_psx_header(), gil(), gp(), importCharacter(), importSlot(), item(), itemId(), itemMask1(), itemQty(), items(), keyItem(), keyItems(), killedEmeraldWeapon(), killedRubyWeapon(), loadFile(), location(), locationD(), locationId(), locationT(), locationX(), locationY(), love(), magicOrder(), mainProgress(), mapId(), materiaCave(), menuLocked(), menuVisible(), messageSpeed(), midgarTrainFlags(), newGame(), newGamePlus(), options(), party(), partyMateriaAp(), partyMateriaId(), pasteSlot(), phsAllowed(), phsVisible(), rawCharacterData(), runs(), seenPandorasBox(), setAtbMode(), setBattleHelp(), setBattleMessageSpeed(), setBattlePoints(), setBattles(), setBattleSpeed(), setBattleTargets(), setBikeHighScore(), setBmProgress1(), setBmProgress2(), setBmProgress3(), setCameraMode(), setCanFightNinjaInForest(), setCharAccessory(), setCharacter(), setCharArmor(), setCharBaseHp(), setCharBaseMp(), setCharCurrentExp(), setCharCurrentHp(), setCharCurrentMp(), setCharDex(), setCharDexBonus(), setCharFlag(), setCharID(), setCharKills(), setCharLck(), setCharLckBonus(), setCharLevel(), setCharLimitBar(), setCharLimitLevel(), setCharLimits(), setCharMag(), setCharMagBonus(), setCharMateria(), setCharMaxHp(), setCharMaxMp(), setCharName(), setCharNextExp(), setCharSpi(), setCharSpiBonus(), setCharStr(), setCharStrBonus(), setCharTimeLimitUsed(), setCharUnknown(), setCharVit(), setCharVitBonus(), setCharWeapon(), setChocoAccel(), setChocoboPen(), setChocoboRating(), setChocoCantMate(), setChocoCoop(), setChocoIntelligence(), setChocoMaxSpeed(), setChocoMaxSprintSpeed(), setChocoName(), setChocoPCount(), setChocoPersonality(), setChocoRaceswon(), setChocoSex(), setChocoSpeed(), setChocoSprintSpeed(), setChocoStamina(), setChocoType(), setChurchProgress(), setCondorFunds(), setCondorLosses(), setCondorWins(), setControllerMapping(), setControlMode(), setCountdownTimer(), setCraterSavePointMapID(), setCraterSavePointX(), setCraterSavePointY(), setCraterSavePointZ(), setCursorMode(), setDescCurHP(), setDescCurMP(), setDescGil(), setDescLevel(), setDescLocation(), setDescMaxHP(), setDescMaxMP(), setDescName(), setDescParty(), setDescTime(), setDialogColorLL(), setDialogColorLR(), setDialogColorUL(), setDialogColorUR(), setDisc(), setDonProgress(), setFieldHelp(), setGil(), setGp(), setItem(), setItemMask1(), setItems(), setKeyItem(), setKeyItems(), setKilledEmeraldWeapon(), setKilledRubyWeapon(), setLocation(), setLocationD(), setLocationId(), setLocationT(), setLocationX(), setLocationY(), setLove(), setMagicOrder(), setMainProgress(), setMapId(), setMateriaCave(), setMenuLocked(), setMenuVisible(), setMessageSpeed(), setMidgarTrainFlags(), setOptions(), setParty(), setPartyMateria(), setPhsAllowed(), setPhsVisible(), setRuns(), setSeenPandorasBox(), setSlotFF7Data(), setSnowboardScore(), setSnowboardTime(), setSoundMode(), setSpeedScore(), setStableMask(), setStablesOccupied(), setStablesOwned(), setStartBombingMission(), setSteps(), setStolenMateria(), setSubMiniGameVictory(), setTime(), setTurtleParadiseFlyerSeen(), setTurtleParadiseFlyersSeen(), setTutSave(), setTutSub(), setUnknown(), setUWeaponHp(), setVincentUnlocked(), setWorldChocobo(), setWorldCoordsBh(), setWorldCoordsBhAngle(), setWorldCoordsBhID(), setWorldCoordsBhX(), setWorldCoordsBhY(), setWorldCoordsBhZ(), setWorldCoordsDurw(), setWorldCoordsDurwAngle(), setWorldCoordsDurwID(), setWorldCoordsDurwX(), setWorldCoordsDurwY(), setWorldCoordsDurwZ(), setWorldCoordsLeader(), setWorldCoordsLeaderAngle(), setWorldCoordsLeaderID(), setWorldCoordsLeaderX(), setWorldCoordsLeaderY(), setWorldCoordsLeaderZ(), setWorldCoordsSub(), setWorldCoordsSubAngle(), setWorldCoordsSubID(), setWorldCoordsSubX(), setWorldCoordsSubY(), setWorldCoordsSubZ(), setWorldCoordsTc(), setWorldCoordsTcAngle(), setWorldCoordsTcID(), setWorldCoordsTcX(), setWorldCoordsTcY(), setWorldCoordsTcZ(), setWorldCoordsWchoco(), setWorldCoordsWchocoAngle(), setWorldCoordsWchocoID(), setWorldCoordsWchocoX(), setWorldCoordsWchocoY(), setWorldCoordsWchocoZ(), setWorldVehicle(), setYuffieUnlocked(), slotFF7Data(), snowboardScore(), snowboardTime(), soundMode(), speedScore(), stableMask(), stablesOccupied(), stablesOwned(), startBombingMission(), steps(), stolenMateriaAp(), stolenMateriaId(), subMiniGameVictory(), time(), turtleParadiseFlyerSeen(), turtleParadiseFlyersSeen(), tutSave(), tutSub(), unknown(), uWeaponHp(), vincentUnlocked(), worldChocobo(), worldCoordsBh(), worldCoordsBhAngle(), worldCoordsBhID(), worldCoordsBhX(), worldCoordsBhY(), worldCoordsBhZ(), worldCoordsDurw(), worldCoordsDurwAngle(), worldCoordsDurwID(), worldCoordsDurwX(), worldCoordsDurwY(), worldCoordsDurwZ(), worldCoordsLeader(), worldCoordsLeaderAngle(), worldCoordsLeaderID(), worldCoordsLeaderX(), worldCoordsLeaderY(), worldCoordsLeaderZ(), worldCoordsSub(), worldCoordsSubAngle(), worldCoordsSubID(), worldCoordsSubX(), worldCoordsSubY(), worldCoordsSubZ(), worldCoordsTc(), worldCoordsTcAngle(), worldCoordsTcID(), worldCoordsTcX(), worldCoordsTcY(), worldCoordsTcZ(), worldCoordsWchoco(), worldCoordsWchocoAngle(), worldCoordsWchocoID(), worldCoordsWchocoX(), worldCoordsWchocoY(), worldCoordsWchocoZ(), worldVehicle(), and yuffieUnlocked().

bool FF7Save::slotChanged[15]

Definition at line 1018 of file FF7Save.h.

Referenced by FF7Save(), isSlotModified(), and setFileModified().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: